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    2002 RD688's
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    An old Mack man from birth. Mechanic at the
    dealership for 10 years in Nashville, TN.

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  1. None of the above. I had the heads worked about 2 years ago. I drive the truck myself. It has a roll-off body and most of the loads are under 14k.
  2. My 2002 RD is at it again.. it all started with a miss and a tick. Within seconds it became a hard knocking and the damage was done. Number 4 cyl has bent valves (but not pushrods?), the exhaust bridge won't lift off by hand.(bent bridge guide) and strangely the injector cap plug was just lying there... The threads have broken off the head completely! The piece was between the outer valves. Loosely, on edge, of the water manifold side. From this, I guess, I will have another boat anchor! I would appreciate any thoughts of what you fellas think caused this failure. BTW, none of the valves have un-keyed.
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