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P.L. Roark

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    1988 RW613 Superliner
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  1. No, I haven't. I am still trying to find a suitable donor truck. I still plan on doing the project, but it might end up being a longer-term project than I initially hoped for. I am trying to get everything before I tear into the Superliner so it's not hung up in the shop for longer than necessary.
  2. Thank you guys I think I’m going to start looking for a donor truck and go from there
  3. Thank you the drive shaft isn’t something I was thinking about as well as protecting the VECU Getting a donor truck is the way I was thinking about going. It would be a pre-egr motor for sure. My transmission is fine cause the Eaton 13 speed that was in it went down and I put an 18 speed that came out from behind a 550 Cat so it’s a little overkill for the little 300 but will work for a 460. My dad and I swapped a Mercedes MBE 4000 for a C12 Cat in my Classic and that was a project so I’m hoping this would be a little easier just don’t want to go into it blind a run into problems
  4. Hey guys I got a 1988 Superliner with an E6 300 and I’m thinking about swapping it out for an electronic E7 460. Has anyone done this? I know I gotta change the throttle pedal and power the ECM, but are stuff like the motor mounts, fan locations and any other stuff majorly different?
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