Found this forum because literally all roads lead here when you start researching Mack trucks. Hopefully one of you wise ones can tell me what I'm looking at...and more importantly, will I die if try to fix it.
1979 R350 plow truck with spreader. Bought it, drove it home (~50 miles), plowed a couple times, then it sat over summer. When I went to move it out of the way, the low air alarm wouldn't stop buzzing and my brakes were locked on. My cousin has driven Mack trucks (all trucks) so he came out to help me trouble shoot it and we tracked down the air leak to the pictured unit.
Mounted on the passenger side frame behind the cab, it has one supply line coming into it and then one line going back up into the cab (didn't get further than this).
When we clamped the supply line with vice grips, it built pressure up to 120psi no problem but the brakes wouldn't release fully (per my cousin...driving it to get it out of the driveway, I didn't notice it like I did when I tried to move it this summer but I'll default to his greater experience as I'm a truck neophyte).
It's dark now but I can get any other pictures necessary for ID tomorrow when it's light.
Thanks in advance for any help, been reading the forum for awhile and I'm blown away by the collective knowledge base here.