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Everything posted by Foxyjosh

  1. I am doing a working restoration on this truck. If someone has a service manual with a parts breakdown, the VIN is VG6M112B2KB068113 Also it is a Renault Mack midliner Mack wheel.HEIC
  2. 12v-71 Detroit Diesel. The video was of our open house and was taken before we acquired the Mack Pack.
  3. There is a lot of work to do on this and it looks like the cab is a bit mangled. Being the last surviving one of its kind, we will be going the extra mile to repair and restore it for future generations.
  4. Finally light enough to get some pictures of the Mack Pack
  5. Allis Chalmers. Not sure what the model number is. The blade is fixed to the frame and is raised and lowered by the cylinders pushing down on the tracks. The blade can't be tilted and the rigid mount makes it hard to see what you are doing. This design wasn't very popular so many were not made.
  6. You are welcome to come visit our show where we operate the old shovels. We do have operational steam rollers however, no one in the club is trained to operate steam equipment so our steam machines are static display only. This video is from our 2017 open house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIftlJh3EB4&t=98s
  7. I believe Joe H was talking about a scraper.
  8. 1920 ish AC Mack with Universal crane
  9. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    AC Mack transmission that came with the crane. It’s not needed so we will put it in storage.
  10. Could you post a picture of your literature in this thread?
  11. We are the Harry Young Chapter of Northeast Ohio (https://www.facebook.com/HarryYoungChapter) and the club is the Historical Construction Equipment Association. (HCEA.net) Our club will have an open house the last Saturday in April. I'm not sure if you're interested in other makes of truck but, we have 3 AC Macks in various stages of restoration, a 1918 WWI White TBC, a 1913 Buick car with a gas starter, and an Indiana dump truck to name a few. (I have a video of the Indiana on YouTube) We have draglines from Bucyrus Erie, Northwest, P&H, Lorain and a steam powered Erie that is being worked on. Bulldozers from Alis Chalmers, Euclid, Cletrac, A GE yard locomotive on about 300' of track (I call this train "The Bi-polar express") We also have a few unique and rare pieces like the Mack Pack, a concept Euclid wheel dozer (only 2 ever built), a prototype Euclid L-20, and the Euclid FFD1 Dyno truck used at Euclid's proving grounds. Our address is: 3498 Frost Rd. Mantua, Ohio 44255
  12. Repair the engine and use it in our club’s museum operations.
  13. Not yet. The engine is stuck so we plan to soak the pistons with ATF/Acetone and see if we can get it unstuck.
  14. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    This AC Mack was originally a crane truck but the crane was scrapped and the truck restored as a flatbed truck. Our club found a period correct crane and plan to restore the truck and crane together.
  15. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    Here the crane is just set on the truck. Still need to hot rivet the two together.
  16. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    Old bed removed and removing remnants of the previous crane that was cut off.
  17. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    This the truck as we got it. The problem with flat surfaces is they tend to collect junk.
  18. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    This engine is started with a manual crank on the front of the truck. It starts hard so we typically pull start it with another truck.
  19. From the album: AC Mack Crane truck

    A bit about the history of Universal cranes
  20. Our club just acquired what we believe to be the last known Mack Pack
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