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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. morning work out
  2. Hatcity, have you had problems will synthetic
  3. Yes. Is the switch stuck
  4. Ernie' s daughter passed away on 4/4/17. 30 yrs old
  5. If anyone is friends of ernie' s on social media, please check it out. Also if you have his address please pm. Me
  6. You can just look at it and think its a r or rd.😊
  7. Our friend Ernie Delli-santi and family need our prayers at this time. Please keep them in your thoughts on this difficult time
  8. You have a good start in life. If you continue this attitude you will go far. Keep up the attitude and morals and you will be a step ahead of many people.
  9. Didn't think the silver 92 was out in 73
  10. Bump. Anybody
  11. i have a 300L with a 2080 trans. bid jump between 4 to 5. not good on hills
  12. Amen. I agree with you 110%. Could not have said it better.
  13. Sounds like the felts inside are worn. I had to change the whole motor. Could try to pull Supply line and spray wd40 in line and replace
  14. No clue on milage. All short haul and off road. Would have to pull line ticket but am thinking I saw 5.2? Something
  15. Very nice. You guys have a lot to be proud of. God heard old gus's prayer.
  16. Bump
  17. If any one has a nice Roll off trailer I would consider it. Looking for a shorter one. Would consider partial trade . Must be inside/outside rail. Hyd.cable
  18. Good to know
  19. How is Mark doing?
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