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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. looks like a cummins too me
  2. Next Saturday we go to get it.
  3. Winton. Is the manufacturer. Built in 1935 and was coupled to a Gen set to provide power for the town of Arcade ny. Ran till 1955 and purchased by a gravel pit for power. Ran till 1985 when a thief stole all the copper from the electric service. At that time the owner refused to fix and purchased a new cat Gen set. The one that I have to haul still runs even after being in a big building fire over 10 yrs ago. I would post other pics of gravel pit but I have not asked owner yet and has many older trucks and don't want to have an issue. On a side note these engines where used in the battle ships. When in battle they couldn't keep up with the cruisers so Winton produced aluminum pistons. They found out that they would melt. So they made new ones from aluminum and bralilium. At the time it was top secret and doubled the rpm and hp. This one is 375 rmp and 500 hp.
  4. 17 ton. No heads ,rods, intake or exhaust or water jacket. Have 1 more to move all together. That one will be over 20 ton. Never fear, brockway to the rescue
  5. Won't fit.
  6. Was waiting for you to chime in
  7. Open drivers door and you will see a tag on the cab door pillar
  8. any chance you could get the serial # of it.
  9. love it, glad its still in service. not far from cortland
  10. Love that 761 tilt nose brock. Welcome aboard. Do you know the whereabouts of the brock. Is it still alive.
  11. Can understand the health issues. We have that here. Hope all works out well
  12. GreenGiant2


    Smoke signals?
  13. Hope all works out. Hard thing when your kids are involved. Don't help that the doctors push this stuff like candy. Had it happen to a friend. Son o.d. on that crap
  14. Looks good. ADA APPROVED
  15. Make a nice service truck.
  16. Split rims on the back?
  17. My condolences also. Very sorry to hear. My God give you strength on this Easter.
  18. you cant get 24.5 in floats. if you go with a 425 65 22.5 it should give you 20k in change.
  19. brand new brake drums on buffalo craigslist for your trailer. looking good
  20. looking good
  21. any one got any of the older ones for sale out there
  22. Was there a kit for these trucks for pass. side window in electric or air. Thinking of building a service truck and making a 4 dr. and would like to be able to control windows from drivers seat. Any ideas
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