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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. My son said there names are Sum tin wong Ho Lee chit Ho lee f_ck I laughed Hope some does too
  2. It's still a human life being taken.
  3. He is a Duesh bag
  4. Amen to that. The other day Cuomo said no life is disposable. He must have forgotten about the innocent
  5. Cuomo won't give masks and materials that abortion clinics use to the front line. He doesn't want to offend his (FRIENDS)
  6. He may not come across but he is bad new. Very corrupt. Not transparent. Only reason he is doing it this way for the media is to get his face in t.v for his future run.
  7. When oil is low so are are the metal pricing. Scrap price is in the toilet. When my dirt business slows up in the summer I reclaim ferrous and non ferrous materials in a scrap yard. If price is below 100$ per ton it's not feasible for me. I like it when I I reclaim a 1000 ton a year. Helps me thru the winter. Oil is a double edged sword.
  8. I have never had a bail out. Let them fail
  9. Look up Martin Farm Truck on the net. That's who I bought my trailer from. They have lots of trailers listed
  10. Now that's funny
  11. Think the price may go up if he travels. Lol
  12. Thank you .Guy did both drs and hood for $250. 8 hrs of work
  13. Finally got compliant with the law and had lettering and d.o.t # done. This guy did my brockway also
  14. Welcome
  15. How true mack technician. My wife had had lyme for almost 20 yrs. Alot of research done ( out of the box ) and very interesting to see the things our government has done and wants to overlook.
  16. When Doug and u went to south Pa. To pick up my trailer we got just over 8 mpg. Yes we bobtaied down but trailer weighs 17k. Too many sensors in the truck for me.
  17. Rolled under the trailer and checked it out. Cannot believe it is so clean. Ended up having to remove the cylinders on the neck and found the pins froze solid. Spent 7 hrs with porta power and lots of heat and had to lance the center of the pin. Cant wait to start using it.
  18. Yes they are north of the border at times running oil. The anthem has been local till time to get the trailer. They still have 2 r model dumps going and 2 single axle r dumps. 2 - 09,10 Pete's. 1 has a ventilated block . 750k on clock. 6 or 8 CL Mack's and 1 more anthem coming. Plus 2 Titans.
  19. Not my truck. Friend hauled it for me.
  20. 2019 anthem. 14.5 hr round trip. Nice truck. Bet we saw 20 anthems in our travels
  21. Does someone on this site own a green and black r 700 tractor with 8v92. Its for sale on market place.
  22. Agree. Rob, check with them. Mine was listed for 19,500. Got it for 18,000.
  23. Yes I looked at that one too. Looks good other than rust holes in rear bridge. That can be fixed
  24. Just have to mail the check and then we go down in a mack Anthem to pick it up.
  25. Think it's been in Pennsylvania all its life
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