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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. Tom, many of these thing you said about the farm are true for me also. Growing up in the excavating bus.things are also very dangerous and I have walked away from many things. If my father ever knew half of the stuff I did when I was younger he would have kicked my ass. The passing of your father will always leave a hole but the fond memories will help to fill it.
  2. Now your not far from me. Piffard new york. The guy owns Rose enterprise.
  3. We had a quad that would get stuck between 2. Would raise body and take a long bar and give a thump and it would pop out.
  4. got family down there, looks like kanona truckstop
  5. Do you plan on working for hire or for self. Stay wit a heavy set of 24.5s. Otherwise you need to change hubs. Give me a call if you have questions, was just thru this. 716 four three 2 42 six seven. Don smith
  6. I am sorry to hear this. God bless your father
  7. Let me rephrase that, not a problem to switch to another Dayton hub but don't try to switch to Budds. Very had to find the hubs and drums to match up for your spindle and brakes. I did this over the winter and have a bunch of money in the project. You should be able to get 14000 and change on a set of 24.5 tires. Will you have that much weight up on the front of the truck when loaded
  8. Shouldn't be a problem to switch.where are you located
  9. Nice truck. What power plant.where are you putting the tires. Front or rear
  10. looks like a terex to me
  11. Otherdog, we're are you when we need you to come up with some tinfoil hats with rabbit ear antennas so Steve and ray can be on the same wave lenght?
  12. Damm, we need to have a Bmt new York chapter get together
  13. would love to have a new trailer like that.
  14. Awesome.to funny
  15. What you going to do with the 12v71.want to sell it
  16. Isn't that the guy that owned your r700 ernie.
  17. In laws have owned I think for 10 years. Yes I have been holding out. They own roughly 80 some deer tractors
  18. check the brockway thread
  19. holy crap vinney, those words
  20. thank you and what bob said too.
  21. pics of my inlaws k-361
  22. heres 2 pics on the b-57. some day it will have a rollback on it
  23. Cool, we'll have to jaw jack and shoot some bull some time
  24. where in upstate area?
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