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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. A big thank you to all that lost there lives and to the men that returned home.
  2. gramco feed wagon
  3. steve isnt that jr. staba's old super dog. old carny and fugle tractor. very nice truck still.
  4. we need to update your status from rookie to royalty
  5. A Big Amen
  6. my dm 690 with the 300 L isnt bad. no muf. at all.you can here it coming.
  7. in new york you have to have brakes on front and back of a single axle. only on rear of a twin screw.i think 1981 is the cut off for no brakes on front
  8. ernie, when you give it up i will be waiting for her.
  9. sleep walker , was thinkin this is up your alley. slide into a mack now
  10. easy way to change tires. must be tail gate wasn't open
  11. congrats and let the fun begin
  12. fog hat, slow ride
  13. Golden Earring- Radar love
  14. we had to go help winch a exc out of a swamp years ago. a local guy buried his 690 deere out in the middle of a swamp. it took our TD-15c compounded once, a D-5 straight pull , a FR14 fiat allis straight pull and all of us chained to a wide track D-6 with a mini exc. digging out around the machine.
  15. what caused the machine to stop
  16. you too mike and god bless everyone
  17. don't worry your not the only one over there head with electronic stuff like that
  18. the only other thing i could think of is the roof vent is different
  19. other than the rt side the fire wall my be alittle different. lets see some pics of the 761
  20. pics what year
  21. if you have a good door for a dm model mack and some one hasa load coming to the east coast I might be interested. drivers side. gg2
  22. do they fit r models
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