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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. got a good frontal shot of her today,damm she is sexy
  2. think they would miss it if it came up missing,
  3. if all works out good I do plan on going to Cortland with the family and truck this year
  4. if that was Randy P running that , it wouldn't be stuck that bad.
  5. i think @ Brockway someone had their had hand in the salemans pocket that was pushing wedge brakes. Brockway did offer the s-cam for the front, its in the parts book with #s
  6. got 4 mh trucks close to me, old ups truck, day cabs I know the guy would sell without engine and tranny.
  7. glad its you and not us. I am tired of this shit
  8. how many and what parts are being looked for for MH trucks, I know where some are and could get these parts if you let me know. I know FARMER52 was looking for grill parts.
  9. I didn't change the axle, found spiders off a a-car that worked and changed the s-cam tubes ,used mack hubs and rims and tires I bought cheap
  10. oh no, if I get a ticket before I get my chrome nuts, I wont know what to do. better get her dressed all the way before she goes out into the public.
  11. even if I did gain weight with them I am only good for 102,000 on my ow/ow permit with 5 axles and I wouldn't be able to get that much more to the front.
  12. i didnt do it to gain weight, i have always liked the looks of alum. rims on the front and i thought it would dress her up some
  13. had to add fender flares to keep the mud off
  14. cool video
  15. wedge brakes. thanks for all the compliments guys, pulled alot of hair out to get to this point
  16. 425's make it look tough, kinda gives the look like ( i am coming to kick your ass)
  17. changed my brock over to budds and installed s-cams on the front.
  18. mad dog, you took the wind out of my sails, or the wind out of my a--. all that good cabbage gone. wont be corned beef without it.
  19. yes I had barry set me up, but maybe I am dreaming but wasn't there other options and places you could go.
  20. were will I see these features on the screen
  21. good vocation to be in, welders are getting harder too find
  22. thought my scrap guy may have bought a new machine. oh that's right , no one has any money.
  23. were is it going
  24. very true, lent is a good time for reflection
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