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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. i am guessing the deal up my way isn't working out????
  2. yes becareful were you step cause some members have trucks that tend to leave puddles on the ground . maybe green leakers
  3. the b-73 is very close to were I live.
  4. I heard they put hinges all the way around Marks lunch box and he couldn't get his lunch out. could resist
  5. hey if you could please send me a list. @ dsmithexcavating@hotmail.com thanks
  6. cl lmps are the two out side ones and the 3 cluster come on with the hd lite switch
  7. power steering
  8. about time you showed up
  9. WELL ive seen a dm tanker truck before. haahaa. got one not far from me.
  10. I have grossed over 35 k on my 2000 f40 and it handled it well. but that was the good 7.3
  11. thought they always measured it @ the wheels
  12. thank you for your service to this nation
  13. too funny
  14. did hatcity tune that in on his little foil hat he wears.
  15. lmfao on that .was wondering the same thing.
  16. thats just because hatcity is very cranky when he doesnt get a sammy for lunch.
  17. the idea is a good one, but the paper work will kill you. more paper work than you can think of and tax on taxes
  18. between your tanks and this site, there is a lot of shit here. welcome
  19. happy birthday and many more.
  20. what model would this spicer be , just wondering
  21. happy birthday you old man you.
  22. the bmt site is just a big party
  23. can you say wide swing for a turn.
  24. very nice, ecd.
  25. my pc160 goes just shy of 20 ton. thumb and quick coupler and bucket. but it does love its fuel. you could move it on a 3 axle tag , depends on the state. I always moved this on a 20 ton eager beaver tag till 2 years ago.
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