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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. what morons
  2. ok got pics. also the 650 komatsu they have too. the 650 is just used to pic heavy things. I have picked 20 ton on the end of the main boom. the 932 has a 54 " walker magnet on it. this machine just continues to live. bought new in 1986.
  3. will have to get pics of the machine that i have been running for a friend. 932 liebeherr , hi rise cab with scrap handling boom and magnet. no lie this machine has between 80,000 and 100,000 hrs on it. will get pics.
  4. then they should raise the weight in all the east coast state. how do you police that , stop all trucks to see ifn there hauling salt.
  5. i know of some mh at the scrap yard i do stuff for , let me look and see.
  6. make sure you get good stuff, a lot of cheap stuff but it don't last the hours.
  7. in upstate I am good for 66,000 on a tandem.
  8. spend the money for s.a.l.t. tracks. I have 6200 hrs on a set of cat chains and still have a lot of life in them. p+b were turned at 4900 hrs.
  9. I can imagine this will be poorly photo chopped.
  10. I heard that he was going to OTHER DOG UNIVERSITY
  11. if you ever put a hyd thumb on that machine you wouldn't know what you ever did with out on before, even a hyd. over manual one. I use mine all the time and when its not thumb time its magnet time. found pic of broken thumb and my hyd. magnet.
  12. what did you do , wreck your thumb on the exc. ifin you did I will take back the pro remark. I did the same thing but tore the face of the boom . that's what happens when you pick a 53' flatbed and one side hits the pile while your moving it.
  13. a little grease makes them stay on better.
  14. at least you weren't in the bottom of a pond when it happened. your still a pro what ever in my book
  15. buddy , I know what went thru your mind. did the same thing with my dm 690 on a sat. morning on a curve going down hill with a load of pea stone on and over weight. i can tell you it wasnt a gold brick in my pants.
  16. isn't kerr trucking all gone, they had a hub up here. I plowed there lot in the winter
  17. looks like a 15-b
  18. ok from one brock man too another, lets see the trucks
  19. 57 bcr said it all . thank you
  20. just like the one that was up by you vinny, too bad I lost the bid.
  21. u woood b write.
  22. hey mister DM897sx and act like a man or SHUT UP .
  23. that looks like a Brockway in the back ground . what you gonna do with it and what model is it. please.
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