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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. hey thanks everyone, just talked to rob and he is doing well and said hello to everyone.
  2. all your iron
  3. nice line up
  4. found an old topic from rob on Rockwell front axles and it is the same problem I have. could someone pm me robs info so I could call him to find out what he had to do to get the right info for his spiders thanks gg2
  5. old # from the mid 70's. lookin for a spider that clocks out close to my old #
  6. well didn't have to press out the king pin, just needed a bid rosebud tip and all went well. thanks
  7. why don't you guys grow up and act like MEN
  8. R.I.P spot
  9. changing my wedge brakes over to s-cams. the spider # that I have in the parts book is a-3211-h-1490 rt side and a-3211-g-1489 left side. these are old #'s and I haven't had any luck crossing these or getting something close. the dust gaurds# are 3236-g-1385 and 3236-f-1384
  10. would have to ask when I am there
  11. looks like a propane tank
  12. hold your horses fullfuel, bullhusk has me in his will for the r700 12v
  13. you will love the bobcat machines. always wanted a brush grinder but my machine is too small.
  14. had a guy come to my parents place to deliver a load of split fire wood. load was frozen in the body so i took a hunk of 4x4 and hit the bottom of the body and the vibration was enough to make the load slide out.
  15. steve, you just made my day
  16. kingpin is straight not tapered. got about 4" to drive it out
  17. any good ideas on removing kingpins when rusted in axle . looking for ideas, help.
  18. well if you have kids the kitten and puppy bowl work out well
  19. awesome
  20. good o hear from ya budd
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