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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. no, i am between rochester and buffalo area but we get coal delivered next door at a coal stove yard all year round.
  2. nice little dump, looks like a fisher plow setup.
  3. i know a guy in ohio that has a fwd road tractor.
  4. look at all that beautiful iron there.
  5. has anyone ever dealt with alternate heating systems out of harrisonville pa. was looking at a s260 coal boiler and was looking for feedback on them and there units. gg2
  6. screw the snow and cold , I am ready for warmth
  7. well vision, if your snowed in then I expect to see lots of stuff posted on the site today, get busy.
  8. sweet looking 761 with dump trailer
  9. both trucks were huskie drives
  10. dam those 761 brockways are hot.
  11. whats my prize
  12. hatcity?
  13. LOOKS LIKE 20-22.5 ON BACK
  14. mean and nasty looking, kinda got that ( i will kick your ass look)
  15. what make is the roll off, hyd or cable know someone that may have interest in whole unit. gg2
  16. I was told by dave muller that they will fit, just kinda tight
  17. yes I do have parts, lots of them
  18. hey thanks steve, this will take time to get every thing together. might use a cummins big cab for power and go back to the automatic that was in it. it was made with a 6-53 dd and auto in it. sleeper wise I think it would be best to stay with what fits the back window width. I can get another cab that was in a wreck and has firewall damage to use for the back half. this isn't happening too soon.how would a pete or bentz look on that cab. gg2
  19. I finally got my 758 that I have been waiting for 2 yrs. to get. was thinking of making a 4 door out of it with a large sleeper so the family can go to shows, what would look good sleeper wise.
  20. go with the barn door. you can swing it and haul long stuff. ect long trees or pipe.
  21. your better off with a single frame, then the salt wont raise havoc. we have a precast concrete company up here that had double frames on there trucks,now when they buy , its all single. too much rust jacking
  22. her in ny. I am good for 66,000# with a div.load permit. on a tandem. I can put 21.5 in the box on my dm690
  23. i will check to see.
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