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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. all will go well
  2. I think 1/2 ply wood is good enough. some 16 penny nails will also do.haa haa
  3. rt 219 runs right through the heart of snow belt area, and they got lots of snow out there. over 4'
  4. up ontop of a mountain, was thewre years ago, nice show
  5. a liner wont work for me, i haul whatever fits in the box. alot of large concrete. yes i did buy that screen last spring. is working well. I have reclaimed over a 1000 ton of (metals) for the costumer. so dam wet right now and cold that I cant run
  6. your right enck, mine is black
  7. what year, looks just like my 1974.
  8. I love to work hourly, but I don't mess around. yes i am driver, operator ,mechanic estimator,ect. jack of all master of none. me ,myself and I. and I can have arguments with myself and always win. haa haa
  9. well i still do scrape out the box, very lightly . on hold now, wermer temps are here. dont want to mess up the haul road.
  10. I did 45 loads today,so 45x 2 in and out of the truck and 45x 2 in and out of the exc. = 180 times ==== a lot of in and out and climbing
  11. have not had to use the cable yet. frost is in the ground , about 6" deep
  12. I have been hauling on a job that is all off road and had to be done when it is frozen, not easy to get the dirt out of the body at 10 degrees. 112 loads in the last week. can do 6 loads an hour. maybe when iam rich I can buy a real haul truck and not beat up my dump.
  13. merry Christmas ECD, and happy new year and god bless
  14. was 15 out here yesterday, kinda hard to get the dirt to slide out of the dump when its that cold
  15. that would look ass kickin coming down the road at you.
  16. Vinny, were are you, she is looking for a mack to try this on.
  17. what no pics, this didnt happen then
  18. and remember it is MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR not happy holidays. merry Christmas to all you guys too.
  19. we should all take a moment to remember today and all our fellow americans who lost there lives. gg2
  20. you'll have to install a 5th wheel on it superdog.
  21. Richie, I will bow to you on this one , all I was saying was its easier to post a price than talk on the phone. gg2
  22. alot of stuff @ his yard is hurting
  23. superdog to the phone.
  24. if you know the secret hand shake, I will tell you. casey's salvage yard in buffalo.
  25. remember that you will always be able to work on the old ones, not the new ones. gg2
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