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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. any pics of the brocks that you had. gg2
  2. what do you mean they went away, weren't they loved anymore. gg2
  3. and what are the 12's in ,any brock or macks. gg2
  4. what is the fire dept. name. were not to far apart. Paul vanScott is out your way in Fishers, he may have one. gg2
  5. glad to know that every one is all right. how many wreckers to pull you back, and what did you gross. gg2
  6. photo's are of a td-18, notice it had two stacks.
  7. sorry, your number didn't come up on the call id. please call me again and leave your number. thanks much. gg2
  8. self control
  9. thought the b-53 was largely produced, and the b-57 was rare.
  10. how bout I get the b-81 and then trade with you superdog. i think this will work better enck. haa haa
  11. I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I do not know what faith you are, but embrace your faith. this will help you get through this tragedy. being catholic, the rosary has helped our family many tragic events. I can speak for my self and ernie d. (bullhusk) that prayer is very powerful. your family will be in our family rosary at night. gg2
  12. if you wouldn't break things, you wouldn't have to fix em................. gg2
  13. can I see pics of trailer
  14. steve, call me, I have some one that may have interest in the cab. 716 432 4267 don smith, gg2
  15. my brother inlaw has a 820 that he said he might sell.
  16. is that a 15E or a 12 c
  17. was that the one that big east had. I was told it was a 5 x 12 cec screen.
  18. have seen many of them trucks on the road before, when did the go out.
  19. love the big allis chalmers engine. does it run.
  20. I was 5 yrs old when I started running equipment.
  21. it is a rogers 35ton 1974 yr. with a 1976 yr. brock
  22. I am good for 102,000 probably grossing 85,000
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