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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. he want to sell them
  2. how much NTC stuff does he have
  3. nice looking b's look nice and fairly rust free
  4. www.thedotwatchdog.com
  5. got a post card in the mail to day and wondered if any one has had experience with them or are they a scam. thanks gg2
  6. sorry to hear, rip
  7. you pulled the words right out of my mouth dockmen
  8. give them some time, they are busy up there and last i know the old man( Casey) , his health wasnt that good.
  9. exellent photos, any 700 series brocks in the area. gg2
  10. do you guys have any brockway trucks in the yard. thanks gg2
  11. hey steve, glad i stopped and met you today. love your super dog. tell the young guy workin on the fire truck that he is doing a great job. let me know if any thing comes up different about that red brock. it would be nice if gainesville could bring the old r-600 to the stafford show in aug. gg2
  12. the superliner has a spun bearing, think he wants 6500 for it.that where my brockway came from.
  13. same thing with bull husk, i have text him 2 xs and he hasnt got back to me gg2
  14. they were also built before 74, bullhusks 12v
  15. any brockway trucks down that way gg2
  16. i would check with Brian enck, he is in your neck of the woods
  17. if you come across any thing for brockways please post what you find. gg2
  18. thought that would bring a good chuckel
  19. what are you up too, 707 a replacement for the superliner motor.haa haa
  20. love the looks of the old wooden rig
  21. hey heavy metal, do you ever make it up to the steam show up here in alexander, it is this weekend. gg2
  22. vin, u could use two trucks
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