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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. what did you do with it after. gg2
  2. very nice find, and too be in nice shape too gg2
  3. from your pic it looks like a oil cap. they should have 80-90 w oil in them.just put the same caps back on my brock. gg2 hey what are the goodies in the back ground of the pic.
  4. a friend of mine has a b-53 and the twin to that truck was a BCR.. truck is still around and in great shape. on a side note, there was a b model in the area 10 yrs ago with a clariben tilt hood, think it went to caseys salvage yard in buffalo, not there now and must have sold it. gg2
  5. almost in my back yard nowgg2
  7. love the look
  8. pics pics pics. please.gg2
  9. No more brocks for me yet, waiting on a 758 cab and chassis to come in. doin some checkin on those brocks u spotted. gg2 thanks steve, it does look better with the black color and the grill gaurd on it. gg2
  10. nice looking truck, tilt hood. what was he pulling behind.gg2
  11. got the brock back together today and took my huskie for a run. gg2
  12. smooth or diamond plate
  13. hey 762, back off. haa haa :banana:
  14. can remember going to the hard hat show in new york and getting a DJ Smith shirt with a b model on it.
  15. thanks, if you get them i will give you an ataboy.
  16. well vinney , lets see pics.
  17. just like a demo derby
  18. good call vinney, will have to call on the load loader truck monday, not far from me. the other brock is a nice truck but kinda high in price. gg2
  19. some people tell it just as it is.
  20. i could run this all day and feel like i did sumthin, this would load better that a ts-14 and run more material in a day.gg2
  21. i always use the rule of thumb that 100 watts is a amp, so u have 30 amps, split your plugs up and put on different breakers.
  22. here is my scraper 1953 heiliner pan hseries cummins 5 speed cable controlled. the dozer is a 1996 td-12cxp 142 hp. with 27"pads. sold the dozer in 2006 and bought a mini excavator with the cash.
  23. dont look like a 335 to me,more like a bc cummins, no mirrors , cant see were i came from.
  24. what kind of brockway was it. gg2
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