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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GreenGiant2

  1. Cant see why it wouldnt work, an old timer years ago in buffalo switched his B53 truck to a r model cab and hood, the truck just sold after his death for $ 4000, truck was still road worthy. Green Giant2
  2. there is a company i think in maryland that is called Camcraft,they do all that stuff and regrinds. my small engine shop in the area clued me in to them. the guy that you want to talk to is Charles. would have to back in my records to find phone #. they sent me a regrind and gave me a good core $ for mine. he told me that it was common for the macks to loss the carbide and eat a lobe. they had good turn time on the order. if you can not find them on the net, Email me a dsmithexcavating@hotmail.com, and i will look it up. Green Giant2
  3. my buddy wants me to buy the pan from him ,he never did use it but did have the cable control unit on the machine and took it back off cause he didnt want the extra weight on the machine if he didnt need to pull the pan, the pan hasnt moved dirt in 20 years.he thinks it would look good in my fleet,i told him only i got back the TD15. my main line of work is general exc. ponds ,basements,driveways,septics, site work,some commercial, i do alot of electical trenching for contractors doing town and school work. plus what ever pays the bills. on of my customers owns a very large scrap bus. and do all his dirt work,last year i had 110 days just with him, seems like on the bad years he always comes up with work, lots of it. my truck is a DM690 with a 300L with a 2080 trans 44 rears and a 20 front, good tough truck. Green Giant 2
  4. was wrong,didnt have to plow but still cold enough to hibernate in the shop and work on stuff before spring is here. i can here that sweet sound of a TD-15 with a straight pipe out pushin hard, loved that sound byt couldnt hear after wards.the guy that bought my 15 has a cable control unit and a pull pan that is usable. Green Giant2
  5. Nice looking stuff.
  6. Thanks for the info,i talked to the guy who ran it before and got a feel on what he did with it, didnt seem to bad.......thanks,joe
  7. Any old brockway's out your area, any with the 12v71 detroit,,,sleepy time is here ,think the town's plow truck will be callin in the morn. Green Giant 2
  8. computers and i do not get along. i am the owner and operator/mechanic also . been runnin equipment from the age of 5. been around the block a few times and made some right choices and wrong. these no magic way to do it, just hard work.Was a family bus,till 2000 when i took control and in 2007 took full ownership minus some equip. Iam 34 married w/2 kids and takes up a lot of time , but wouldnt give it up. my wife takes care of the books and that stuff,after the insurance company wanted to term. our policy cause i only payed half the bill,she thought it would be a good idea if did that stuff.We own DM690 Tandem, 20 ton tag, F-450 service truck, 9 ton tag bobcat 435 mini, s175 skid steer, D5C dozer, PC160-7 exc. MDI YUTANI 140c exc, Dresser 530 loader, 2000 trojan loader, 1953 international heiliner pan , needs a good puher behind it, 1953 cedar rapids jaw crusher 8x16 and 2 old brockway trucks along with all my unfinished projects. lots of stuff to keep one person busy all the time. hoping weather break some so i can get a few early jobs, dont like to dew much in the winter,more costly Green Giant2 DON SMITH @ D.SMITH & SON EXC.
  9. MDI/yutani same as kobelco ,just different paint 2 buckets and manual thumb 6100 hours good machine just time to go bigger and newer... do you own all your stuff or work for someone Green Giant2
  10. i found that mineral spirits works just as good ,went to the local paint store and bought 10 gallons and dumped it in my cleaner, when it gets dirty i just dump it in my used oil drum, when i did the cam in my truck it dried film free and cut the grim real well... Green Giant 2
  11. Hope i have work for it to..KOMATSU PC160, same size as cat 315d Will figure out sometime how to take and post picture. Green Giant2
  12. DAM COMPUTERS wrote a post and its gone..........was the 15 from a private or business. work was real slow last spring,almost dead.hope work is better this year, just bought a PC160 komatsu with 1600 hours, have old on for sale and money would be good for payments Green Giant 2
  13. I feel like a kid in a candy shop , just got my new excavator on Thursday. Well new to me 2008 close enough. 24"/48" buckets Hyd.thumb,and Hyd. coupler. 1600 hours and clean.. PC160-7, any one had experience with these machines Green Giant 2
  14. was wondering how things are going , if you got tha 15 B back yet other than the td 8, what else do you have........Green Giant 2
  15. Snowing here to , just got back from plowing for the town.. were are you located... Green Giant 2
  16. Horse power difference i can not tell you , dont have a spec sheet in front of me, but could find out.Finding out what year it is will help ,newer machines had the 407. also some of the under carrige parts on the older stuff can be crossed over to CATS nexus parts for chain and rollers..... would love to see a picture of the machine, i grew up on international harvester construction equip. TD-6 TD-9B TD-8G TD-12CXP TD-15C 500C 500E and an old TD14 thanks Green Giant2
  17. The TD-15B's are a very good machine . IH had a good engine the 407d. it ran in many apps. the b and c series are basically the same , the 15C's had a dt 466 vs 407d. the early 15C's had 15b undercarage, but soon took on the more heavy duty stuff. on some early c's you could use 15B sprockets till they changed the dowel pins. basic frame is the same from the start of the B series till up to the end of the C series in the 90's. the trans, is very tough tranny. Is long as it is in good shape you should be able to do what you need. dont be afraid to push material in 2nd Hi, you may find that 1st Lo is to low. Are you looking for a winch for the machine, i have one that was on my 15C. It is for sale, and will bolt right up. We would push our 1951 heiliner pan, with 15 yards in the bowl. Green Giant 2 Forgot to tell you , serial # tag is located on the cowl under the dash board and very early models had the 360d engine, still a good engine
  18. depends on what 300 engine u have ...mine is a 300L and if you play with the pump at all they told me that it would retard very easy. i replaced my injectors when i replaced my cam and put in #359 injectors if my mind serves me right Green Giant 2
  19. Tom i am interested in specs on your brock, one brockway nut to another. i have two 361's 69 and 74 and the inlaws have a 361 ;761 and a 758. were are u located thanks GreenGiant2 d.smith
  20. I think a lot of it would change if the ALL MIGHTY CREATOR was brought back into schools and not hushed up and bring religion back to everyday use. just my personal thoughts GreenGiant2
  21. Yum Yum My wife said every time see looks over at the computer all she can see is this huge cheeseburger. My mouth just waters for it. i would love to try to down that thing. GreenGiant2
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