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Everything posted by paccarnut

  1. Like the others, my truck lives outside all year round. I was lucky that the paint on it was fairly new when I bought it. I wax it several times over the course of the spring / summer / fall. I go over all the chrome as well. And even the aluminum wheels. With the exception of cheap headlight bezels, I haven't had problems with pitting. I sure don't like keeping her outside. It sucks to have to wash, wax, and polish everything to go a show. Especially, when the only dirt you get on it is from rain and dirt in the air. I wish I could at least find somewhere to put it inside during the winter. I do worry about it being so close to the sidewalk (about a foot & a half) and street. But at least the neighborhood kids seem respectful.
  2. Gotta love those old fire trucks. Please post some more parade shots, if you have a chance. Great photos.
  3. Great photos! I've heard some of the lower Michigan ATHS members talk about that show. Looks like a blast. I somehow only manage to hear about it after the show. Maybe, I'll pay more attention and make it next year. Thanks for sharing!
  4. That's a beautiful truck, Nigel. Maybe, if I hit the lottery soon, I could afford to ship it to the states. I think I'd have a set of bull bars put on it first. Thanks for posting that. By the way, what's the going rate between the Kiwi dollar and American? $130,000NZD = ?
  5. Barry, Once again, great photos of a beautiful truck! Looks like that Rogers trailer is restored just as nicely as the B. Does the R-model wrecker in the background belong to you guys? Got any pics? Thanks for sharing!
  6. Beautiful truck, Barry! This one gets my vote for October Truck of the Month. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Here in Findlay..............$3.10 Regular Unleaded .....................................$2.80 Diesel That's about average. It could be a penny or two, more or less, depending on which side of town you're on. My F-250 with a 351 & 4:10 gears only gets about 6-8mpg here in town. About 10-12 on the big road if I'm lucky! My cabover does way better then that. Maybe I should make it my everyday truck! They better start doing something to fix this, quick.......i.e. Tell the tree huggers where to go, and start building some more refinerys!!!!!!! Or, there's gonna be a lotta people going broke. Just found this pic on Netscape news..... When it gets that bad around here, I think I'll start walkin'!!!!!!!
  8. I just finished stripping the paint from the bumper on my KW. Went and picked up some of that citrus based stripper at Lowes. Super easy to use. Went through two layers of paint like it was nothin' Scraped the pealing paint with a new plastic putty knife. Unfortunatly, whoever painted it used some sort of chemical to etch the chrome so the paint would stick. Hopefully you won't have that problem! Best of luck with your project!
  9. From the album: Paccarnut's toys

    Hope to own this someday. It still works daily. And is only a couple blocks away from my house. 237, 5x4, on camelbacks, Only a couple hundred thousand miles on it.
  10. From the album: Paccarnut's toys

    Paint on the bumper looking a bit tired.......
  11. From the album: Paccarnut's toys

    Truck was originally built as mixer. My uncle decided to we should stripe the bumper like they used to do on old transit mix trucks. Turned out pretty nice!
  12. From the album: Paccarnut's toys

    Had to con my uncle into buyin' this. Didn't have to twist his arm much. Plus, it was only a couple miles from the house!
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