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Weston e7

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    Atlanta ga

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  • My Truck
    98 e7 350

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  1. Is there a torque limit on a 98 model
  2. Did you ever find problem ?
  3. It’s a Spicer 10 speed
  4. It only has an intake temp sensor . No boost sensor
  5. Let’s says it not a ground issue… do you know anything about programming problems?
  6. Any way you can find me a link
  7. So I bought a 1998 Mac CH613 that came with an E7 350 ETEch . When I bought this truck, it would only boost 12 pounds of boost now I have checked everything as far as fuel pressure my timing sensor I have checked for boost leaks I have checked just about everything mechanically you can think of turbo injectors etc. so I went to the junkyard and got an ECM off a same model truck with the same engine put that ECM on my truck and a Truck started boosting 25 to 28 pounds of boost and I thought that my truck was fixed then after about the fourth or fifth test drive over a period of three days out of nowhere the ECM goes down to 12 psi. So my question is one am I missing do these Ecm need to be programmed? Why would it run good and then out of nowhere run bad
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