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The Heinz

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About The Heinz

  • Birthday 02/19/1998


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    Mack Dealer Parts Guy
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    Old trucks, especially Mack.
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  1. I double checked the VIN and it is a 2004 Granite with the ASET AI350 factory with the Allison transmission. The water pump assembly looks like the following according to IMPACT:
  2. I don't know what would match to your truck, but I did notice that Mack actually shows to have your frame rails available. I'd definitely try to find some good rails to use elsewhere, but at least you have a worst case option. I wonder if an early CH or late RW would have similar frames?
  3. Sorry for the late reply, I wouldn't have had a part number until today anyways. A 2017 MP7 in a Granite shows to have P/N 21458307 for the overflow valve, it's the VIN I used for the screenshot above.
  4. Mack actually has some of the Econovance parts available, like the springs, orings, and even the solenoid.
  5. I hope someone can give you a good answer, but one of my customers with an '83 DM685S just had me order one for him from PAI, how funny that I see this post right after ordering one. Part number was ESP-3581 if anyone needed to know.
  6. Truck is an '04 Granite with an AI-350 ASET from the factory. Sorry for the long wait, I was out of work thanks to the snow and didn't think to check the forums.
  7. Which one? There's two, one for the replacement of the two piece plastic tanks and one about the eroding water pump in ASET engines. Here's both because why not lol. MACK-SB232024.pdf MACK-SB232026.pdf
  8. I could definitely see what engine the truck had in it originally, though if Joey's right about it being a CX or CH, it would have originally had an ASET AC being a 2006 highway model.
  9. There's an overflow valve on the front of the head, I think on both MP7 and MP8. Looks like the below:
  10. The Mack number is 8148-492SHV5R, it's a vendor part number for Sheppard. The 492 is the model number, I found the Weller options by searching that. Here's the link.
  11. I would contact Weller, their website shows to have them available. The OEM side shows to be completely unavailable right now.
  12. I'll check when I go back to work Wednesday.
  13. I vote for either Design F or L, depending on how much you like red or not.
  14. Could contact someone like Weller to see if they'd be interested in buying it. They have a pretty decent market for reman transmissions, maybe they'd be interested.
  15. PAI has them in stock, part number EST-2650. Your local Mack dealer ought to be able to order these if you want.
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