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    1985 Mack mh613

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  1. Yep it goes away under load or no load at all. Trying to cruise down the road at say half throttle is the problem. Have to treat the pedal as an on-off switch
  2. Anyone in here rebuild the ambac pumps on the old e6’s, or have a new/rebuilt one for sale? Can tell mine’s getting worn out and the throttle jumping is terrible. Picture of the pump and of the good ol 85’ mh613.
  3. Anyone know who makes a nice drop visor for these Mack mh coe? I can find them for every other manufacturer, but I guess nobody likes to doll up an old mack. Can’t figure out how to add a picture to this but if you search “vti Mack mh613” on google and go under images you’ll see the type of visor I’m looking for.
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