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Joseph Cummings

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Joseph Cummings last won the day on December 31 2024

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  • Location
    Hazleton Pa

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  • My Truck
    86 R686ST , 88 Ford LTL 9000, 56 Diamond T single axle dump. some other stuff up on the hill

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  1. Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis, who owned the “subversive” magazines the photos were for.
  2. I think this is the real reason they are letting the fires burn. LA is loaded with Raciest Trees https://www.pbs.org/video/trailer-racist-trees-cga1ky/
  3. No No No, the experts have spoken https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/los-angeles-wildfire-using-sea-water-fighting-fires
  4. Longer version. They built all their own equipment on the fly. Boots & Coots still exists as part of Haliburton
  5. What would Red Adair do??????
  6. Yeah if I set myself on fire welding, I'd really be pizzed if someone filled a bucket with seawater, ran roughly over some endangered worms, and dumped it on me
  7. Yeah I was thinking trailer mounted pumps on a raft and lots of soft line. But there are stories in the media of how salt is bad for the environment, and it will destroy the pumps in fire apparatus. and salt water is not as good at absorbing heat (something like 4% less by mass, or 2% by volume), so it's totally unsuitable for fire fighting
  8. Wonder what It'll bring
  9. I don't think we have to mess with the Constitution. There are NGOs helping the illegals in. We just need to form NGOs to help persuade the illegals go back where they belong. Think of it being a National Christian Organization, or something like NSF thing. If we keep the government out of it, it can be extremely effective.
  10. The left turn in your 4 wire should also be a stop light. Someone has it hooked to the wrong terminal up on the firewall, or maybe the switch is bad. It sounds like it's hooked to the same terminal as the left turn on the hood.
  11. Maxidynes were hardly new in 1981, and what they were replacing was a mismatched bunch of everything. It was George Harms Construction and they went from pretty much nothing. to a whole yard full of brand new equipment when they Got the contract for the Black Bridge, and a big contract to replace power structures along the railroad. He seriously went from a guy in a pickup and a flannel shirt, to a guy with a private helicopter in the space of a couple years
  12. How much price difference could there be between a ENDT673C and a quad box compared to a Maxidyne and a 6 speed? The engine is more or less the same except for fuel settings and turbo
  13. I always found it kind of odd that there were people still buying stuff like ENDT673C and the 300 + long after the Maxidyne went into production. I remember one contractor buying brand new DM600 ten wheelers in the 80's with ENDT673C engines. I forget how many, but it was more than 10 trucks. Beautiful trucks 55 rears Bristol Donald dump bodies, air con,
  14. Is anybody still making R Model cab panels? If someone wanted to rebuild a cab, how much is available?
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