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Joseph Cummings

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joseph Cummings

  1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/6iYeWE9jeGvJ
  2. I just hope we can avoid this
  3. There was one of these at the Texaco station about a block from my home when I was a kid Emil (The owner) told my dad that machine paid for his son's college education
  4. Well she was telling me she became a vegan because of somebody she heard Art Bell interview on Coast to Coast AM so naturally I was already thinking UFOs and Aliens, so when she said "Vegan" I heard "Vulcan". She isn't a vegan anymore, but she's still a whack job and just about 60. I met her in 1976, when she was dancing in the Nutcracker, and she had crazy eyes then, but that's a long story
  5. How do the wires to the slip rings pass the bearing? Is there a grove in the shaft?
  6. Never ran a log, never slept in a truck, and only ever owned day cabs. Every once in a while I had to travel to a far away job, but slept in motels. From my understanding the 100 air miles is based on where your base of operations is, not the businesses mailing address or main office. For example, if we got a job in Parkersburg WV. and moved all our equipment there and stayed there for a considerable amount of time, then the center of our 100 air mile radius would have been Parkersburg WV. Not Phila or Hazleton
  7. This is the only time men are truly happy
  8. The first time I heard of a vegan was on a date with a girl about 25 years ago and she told me she was a "Vegan". I thought she was into Star Trek
  9. As a student at Stanford University, Kesey volunteered to participate in a CIA-financed study of the effects of psychoactive drugs, an experience that inspired him to write the 1962 classic One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In 1964, Kesey embarked on an LSD, amphetamine and marijuana-fueled trip from the West Coast to New York City with a group of men and women who called themselves “The Merry Band of Pranksters,” traveling together in a school bus covered in Day-Glo paint. On this road trip, Kesey intended to abandon writing and create a film using the footage they shot collectively. Returning to California, Kesey and the Pranksters continued to shoot film on Kesey's ranch in La Honda and at weekly parties known as “Acid Tests,” which involved live music by The Warlocks (later known as The Grateful Dead), strobe lights, fluorescent paint and LSD.
  10. I bought trailers in WV years ago. The DMV people were really nice and I got permeant registrations for the trailers for 46 bucks. They had a lot of forms there for all kinds of stuff, like homebuilt, missing title, etc.. I couldn't believe that they registered all those trailers for me and never checked my ID. And they took cash
  11. before 2020 that box was $4.64
  12. People were gathered around the egg section taking pictures, Last year the box said "SMALL". Same box, same eggs, but now they are large
  13. Maine used to be good, bill of sale and registration fee. I'm not sure now
  14. We had a party line at our summer home in the 60's and 70's. I can't remember what our ring was, but I do remember having to wait while a neighbor finished their call. And being on the phone and having them pick up and end up joining the conversation for a few minutes
  15. Funny I can remember exactly where that alternator sat on the shelf 40 years ago. Old shop didn't fare so well though. The part in the back had a manual overhead bridge crane in it. everything moved by pulling chains, it was handy
  16. I can't remember exactly what I saw those on back in the day, but it seemed like the really old crusty stuff way in the back of the yard with trees growing through the frame rails. And I had one in the parts room covered in dust complete with the selenium rectifier on a shelf in the back with a disk type Cummins pump next to it
  17. John Griffin the Brockway guy from Masher street in Philly ran heavy wreckers. He was doing towing for UPS back in the day (50's 60's) and he had to tarp every truck that was in a wreck so you couldn't identify it as a UPS truck
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