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Joseph Cummings

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joseph Cummings

  1. I've mounted tubeless tires with the ether and run them until I wore them out, then sent them to be capped, and ran them God knows how long, and never had a problem. Sure I'd rather have a tank blaster, but sometimes you got to work with what you got. I usually hear BS about doing it from the same kind of guy that will tell you that recaps on the steering axle are illegal
  2. I've done the starting fluid thing many times. I never saw it damage the tire. I've even used a piece of mudflap or a McCall's magazine for a boot in a tube type a few times. I'm not sitting on the road dead waiting to be preyed upon by some vulture or some idiot that turns everything into a project. I wouldn't let a Loves, a Flying J, a Pilot or any other chain store mechanic touch anything. Those places only hire idiots
  3. I'd go 5 or 6 thousand
  4. I started with guys with guys who were bootleg coal haulers during the depression. They carried a vulcanizing clamp thing that burned gasoline to patch their own tubes. They broke the tires down themselves by running another truck over it to break the bead. If they tore a large hole in a tire they would put a magazine inside the tire to cover the hole and use another tube. I don't think I'd want your average driver today to even change his own tire
  5. Now they have this thing called "HR". It's a "Make Work" program for women with worthless college degrees. It's their job to make sure all that stuff like diplomas and forms for stuff like selecting your gender and pronouns, and a million other checks and background searches are done. They make sure that whoever you are looking to hire is eliminated before the first interview. That way the guy who is in charge of actually getting anything things done never gets to meet a skilled applicant. This assures you will only be getting welders who can't strike an arc, machinists who look at a drill press like it's something from Mars, and mechanics who can't jump start a truck even though they are wearing a full arc flash suit.
  6. These crazy Czechs and their Tatras
  7. What if you have to apply for a job? My uncle left high school to enlist in the Navy during WW2. Somehow he was supposed to receive a diploma but somehow it slipped through the cracks. He went on to be an industrial electrician and retired in the 80's. Somehow this came to somebody's attention and they had a ceremony to award him and a couple other guys their diplomas. Well he was the only one still living and just barely. Well into his 80's and up on stage in a wheelchair with the mayor. The mayor hands him his diploma and they ask him if he has anything to say. He thinks for a minute and says "Now I can finally get a job"
  8. V Tail, Cool. Like one of these Beechcraft Bonanzas
  9. E tech is the one with the inj pumps running off the cam right?
  10. They actually explained the machines Now we have this Read by this
  11. Mack E7 Camshaft Remanufactured Reman (all #s) - $650.00 exchange and a core deposit of $300.00 https://atldiesel.com/pages/camshaft-service
  12. That is crazy. How much does Mack want? Which E7 is this?
  13. I wouldn't replace a cam without all new followers. You got the pan down already, roll rods and mains in it. Cheap insurance
  14. Yeah I was a bit confused by that at first. Seems that it is 2 different companies, founded by the same guy.
  15. Don't forget the tin foil hat needs a ground. You have to have a trailing ground like an old tanker dragging a chain
  16. I think I'd just put a Signal Stat (7 wire) in it. Especially if anything is wrong with it.
  17. Here is the company that built the pump. I remember them in Trenton NJ. Sid Sussman (RIP) bought the site for a new home for Certified Steel. Hard to find much info on the pump. There is a claim that it pulled water through 7,000 feet of suction line at one fire. I would think just the friction head would be enough to cause bad cavitation through that much suction hose
  18. I have no doubt it worked as designed. I was just thinking about Parts and ease of repair. That would have me prefer an EMD or something from one of the big US engine manufacturer (On Edit) I'm wondering if it was an RPM thing. As you lower the speed of a centrifugal pump, the impeller diameter has to get larger. The Deltec revved kinda high for an engine of it's size
  19. You would think that something from EMD would have been a better engine to use than the Napier Deltic. I think Gibbs was a big time fan of British Navel Vessels, so that probably swayed his choice to the Napier Deltic when he designed the thing
  20. How many posts until somebody brings up Hitler
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