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Joseph Cummings

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joseph Cummings

  1. The government is trying to take that away from us too Bunch of idiots that want to eliminate the "smoke" from anthracite coal. What F ing smoke? Damn azzwholes will have us eating egg noodles and Ketchup
  2. Can you imagine how long it took to get the stink of Colt 45 and Newports out of the White House in 2016?
  3. When AOC first got elected she did a live stream in her DC apartment, assembling Ikea furniture, drinking box wine, and eating handfuls of popcorn chewing with her mouth open. I was thinking that back in the day she would have totally been my type.
  4. In the early 60's all we had was VHF 3, 6 and 10. My uncle got a bunch of these converter boxes somewhere and came over and hooked one up on our TV, then we got 17, 29, and 48 UHF channels. I remember sitting on the floor with my cousin and we were thrilled that it was all cartoons.
  5. Hook a gauge up where the fuel line goes into the pump, and take it for a run to see what the fuel pressure is doing. If you don't do that, you are just firing the parts cannon
  6. https://www.granit-parts.us/e/category/Engine/Fuel/GRANIT-fuel-injection-lines?locale=us Is this it?
  7. The ones I did I used silver solder, but that stuff is crazy expensive now. I had a lot of it at one time because I bought a service truck from a refrigeration co and they left like 5 pounds of it all over the bottom of the tool bins. Now I have some but I keep it locked up in my desk drawer
  8. Years ago I bought some PAI lines for 237s and I had problems like that and they leaked. I had a fleet from a steel company that whoever worked on them before wasn't careful about the clamps and brackets. I bought a bunch of those PAI ones for stock because they were cheap
  9. I've got to save this link. I've had to make lines before and had to scrounge through junk piles to find stuff
  10. I want one of these drones so bad
  11. This music vid had a U Model flying NEMF colors. Little Miss NEMF, Nancy Shevell is now Mrs Paul McCartney
  12. Hopefully it isn't bad stuck, or stuck at all. I rebuilt one like 25 years ago and parts were hard to find and kinda pricey. I think if I was going to tear it down I'd only go as far as rings, bearings, and grind the valves. Hell that was all we did to them when they were in working trucks and they held up until the cabs rotted off the trucks from the damn salt
  13. I think one of the old timers told me it's a 450 RD before I dug it out of the weeds. I had a 501 and it had a 4 BBL carb on it. To tell you the truth I haven't even checked to see if it's stuck. Everybody told me it ran. It belonged to a shop right across the street from me. They were losing the property over long term health care bills, and they gave it to me for helping them load out all the stuff they wanted with my backhoe and moving their storage trailers
  14. Cool, I like that truck. Love the oilfield body, specs too. I've got one I think it's a 530. Red Diamond powered
  15. A whole lot of it goes to EAF (electric arc furnace) steelmaking. They blow it in to produce carbon monoxide. The carbon monoxide helps the slag to float to the top of the heat There are 3 large deposits of anthracite in the world. Donots Basin in The Ukraine, North Korea, and NE Pennsylvania. NEPA is currently the only reliable supply.
  16. Just for reference
  17. I'm starting to suspect it does. 1700 amd 60 MPH on 10.00x20 tires is just not working out with a direct in high gear trans even with a 3,87 ratio
  18. That might even be a set of 3.87 ratios. Is it on 11r24,5 tires?
  19. Yeah it's the Governor. Factory setting for truck engines was 2250RPM. Fire apparatus might have been higher. I had one in a late 40's LF wrecker, and I turned it up a bit. I got clocked doing a bit over 80 on I 95 towing an R model tandem tractor backwards one night. I got the speed up on the downhill heading to the Scudder Falls bridge, and it held it all the way to Woodhaven Rd where I got stopped. Oh how I miss the 1980's
  20. That is this Barletta family. We have a lot of them here in Hazleton "Louis John Barletta is an American businessman and politician who served as the U.S. representative for Pennsylvania's 11th congressional district from 2011 to 2019. A member of the Republican Party, he served as mayor of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, from 2000 to 2010."
  21. Yeah Skippy was like the Australian Lassie. The dad was a park ranger, and they had a Bell 47 helicopter. I don't think it was on one of the major networks here in the US, it must have been on one of the UHF channels
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