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Joseph Cummings

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joseph Cummings

  1. I heard that Richie that owned that Pete was a good guy through some mutual friends, But the drugs took over. Dead now unfortunately. He took on too much trying to care for his dying father while running that truck. RIP
  2. Yeah there is some floorboard missing. They like to sun themselves in there. One time a mother bobcat and her kittens made a home in an old chevy van with the dogbox out of it, but I couldn't get them to come close. I could lure the mom in to about 25 or 30 feet with chicken after a while, but that was only if I was sitting down looking out the back garage door. I wanted one of those kittens bad lol
  3. I don't care if he looks on here, only an outright idiot would hack that frame in the middle. That trunnion will slide back about 4 feet and still be on the original rails. Then what you add to the back and your weld are in a low stress area. And air rides are for OTR freight trucks, on a construction site they are trash compaired to a single point suspension like a Camelback or a walking beam What is he trying to do, make it into this?
  4. I had some gas motor 10 wheelers over the years, two IH with 450 RD, that were kinda slow, but super reliable, and a Diamond Reo with a IH V537 swapped into it, That one ran pretty good. I guess they were like 275 HP, but it was kind of thirsty. I had a GMC single axle with a 478 V6 in it, little juice brake truck. I think it was originally a 305 or something small like that. Ran strong, hardly ever had to shift it. Had a unique low rumble that used to set off all the car alarms as I passed them on the street
  5. I have a Mack up on the hill with 2 Cats in it
  6. I owned an MB with one in it, It was gutless as hell. I don't think I even owned it for 24 hours. It had an allison behind it and was really clean. Guy bought it for shuttling stuff between his plant and storage he owned like 1/4 mile away
  7. In a Superliner? What were they, like 150 horsepower?
  8. If he cuts the frame and grafts some POS air ride under that truck I'll vomit. If you got to make it longer unbolt the trunnion and drill holes like a white man
  9. Gas motored Tandems and single axles used to be everywhere when I was a kid. Working in my uncle's garage we got them in all the time. Being a good carb and ignition guy and we had a Sun distributor machine I could get them all running right on. They always came in missing, with the carb messed up, late timing, governor disconnected, vacuum filter on the distributor for the gov clogged, the guys always were smiling after they tried them out. I had boxes full of jets, power valves, 50 cc reo accelerator pumps, different accelerator pump cams. We were one of those old time garages with the Black & Decker Vibrocentric valve and seat grinders, a Van Norman boring bar setup with a "sucker outer", a piston skirt knurler, and a Winona intheblok crankshaft grinder. I had other family in philly that was still making tar top batteries and repairing and rebuilding them up until at least the late 80's, They were kind of big in the antique truck scene, really big in the antique motorcycle crowd too
  10. I think it was so humiliated by the ad, it decided to take it's own life
  11. Yeah, he just got 2 late 50's Ford 10 wheelers, both with gas motors I think a 57 and a 59 If you look behind the LF dump, you can see the back of one of John Griffin's Brockway wreckers. That was his small one, a 46 I believe with a continental gas. The Lf was formally Tom Zacny's RIP, and them It belonged to Eugene Evans RIP, no idea where it is now. His daughter might know, I'll have to see
  12. Walter G from pittston. I had a senior moment
  13. Walt, the guy that made that video sent me this picture of his dad's Brockways in front of his garage up by Wilkes Barre Pa. I thought you might like to see. Did you by any chance know John Griffin from Masher St in Philly? He ran a bunch of older Brockways, straight jobs, tractors, and 2 wreckers. Some with wooden cabs up until he died in the late 90's
  14. Here is a somewhat similar truck. But it's a WW2 Brockway that is 6-71 Detroit repowered It's right up the road from me in Scranton Pa
  15. I don't think I've seen one of those in a truck, seen plenty in switching locomotives like 44 ton. Then again I might have only glanced and assumed it was a 220. So it's a tractor?
  16. It's gotten so bad I can't stand any celebrity, athlete, news anchor, and even most musicians. If I watch a movie it's got to be old, same with TV shows. Even some of the old movies have somebody that turned into a turd starring in them like DeNiro in Once Upon a Time in America, I can't even watch it.
  17. And that's why you don't get invited to any Dance Parties With Beyonce,,, Mr Hillbilly
  18. I remember when a 2 stroke detroit was a common sound, Now I very rarely hear them
  19. I like it. L assume it was originally gas power? Is that a wrecker on the back of it?
  20. Hook a fuel pressure gauge to it right at the injection pump. Rig the gauge up someplace you can see it while you drive. and see what your fuel pressure is under load. All you need is a gauge, a long piece of hose (even synflex) a tee and some fittings. The big thing is you need to drive the truck and pull a hill or something or the readings don't mean shit.
  21. Got to be all paint. If she slept in your bed, the pillowcase would look like The Shroud of Turin when she got up
  22. Now this is a well educated brilliant guy. I know he earns his 7 figure salary
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