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Everything posted by BobbyCTX

  1. How do I upload bigger pictures. It’s telling me the max size I can upload is 178.97 KB which is not even 1 small picture
  2. Unfortunately the new motor doesn’t have serial number tag on it and bc it’s all painted black. I believe it is also a 400 hp motor
  3. @JoeH @Joey Mack so it is safe to say the “NEW” motor is 100 percent an AC motor? And it would probably be to much work and not cost effective to swap everything needed over to make it work? What’s your guys thoughts. So from what I’m what I’m reading from you guys and what the VIN number pulls is that it came from the factory with a ASET AI 350. But the old motor that came out of it wasn’t even a ASET AI. So at some point that means this motor was replaced before with an ETECH? And even if I got an AI motor that it came with from the factory will that work with the current pcm, ecm etc… I really wish I could find someone to put this thing in for me or give me a solid answer on what exactly I need. And you guys have been great help. I really wish I could get the serial tags that were on the heads of the motor that was pulled so put an end to the question of what came out
  4. Am I able to just switch the ECM to get it to work
  5. The body is in good condition and I already have the motor and own the truck outright so it made sense to me to get it fixed.
  6. It has the Allison trans in it. And how far is that from DC. At his point I’m not oppose to anything to just get his done done honestly.
  7. Guess I’m still a little confused about this statement . Your saying if it’s an 04, which it’s is,The newer motor is the aset, iand is what it was born with from factory. And my old motor is an etach motor. Are you saying that it was prolly changed before hand?
  8. I don’t know if the motor was ever changed before. It is an 2004 so what your saying is the new motor is what it has from the factory and at some point somebody swapped motors? What is major diff between wan aset and etach? Are the plugs and harness or ecu interchangeable
  9. I have the old fan that came off the old motor. But not for the new one. The new motor I have is aset correct? Is my old motor an ASET also? What would make them different water pump locations?
  10. The water pumps are in different location from the mechanic said. It’s been an unbelievable hard 9 months trying to find a mechanic to put this in. Most deny it bc the old motor isn’t and they don’t want to work behind someone. I’m willing to toe this thing anywhere to get done at this point
  11. So if it’s not an etech it means it’s aset? Sorry I’m new to these motors
  12. Here’s the vin 1M2AG11C54M011147 thanks
  13. I believe so if I can find the right motor or someone to put this one in
  14. More photos if it will help
  15. having a really hard time uploading photos to the website but I can send in email to any one willing to look
  16. Sorry it’s a 2004 not 2006 Any Mack gurus in here that can help me motor wise. I have a 2004 6 axle Mack that I inherited and I bought a new motor for it. The old motor both heads covers were stolenn off so I don’t know what hp or serial number on it. I hired a company that has since shut down by the IRS to replace the motor. Before hand they bought a new motor. Now I’m having issues with other mechanics saying it’s not the same motor and that water pump location are different. I contacted the companyc CA trucks that sold the motor and they say it will work. Other mechanics say it will but will be to much money to customized it. I was under the assumption it would be a drop in motor. Can anyone help me and tell me what motor I have in it just from the pictures? I know it’s crappy photos but it’s all I have. One from before they pulled it and several as it sits now. Is it worth it to continue to even pursue it or just sell everything? I’ve been trying for almost 9 months to find someone who will agree to work on the truck. Most deny bc they don’t like working behind another mechanic when the old motor was pulled. Some pics of old motor and new one are posted
  17. Anyway to tell the horsepower any other way if there is no identification plate on it. Got a guy selling a complete motor with 3xx,xxx miles for cheap. Just knows it came out of a 2007 and it’s a E7
  18. I’m having a hard time understanding what motor would work. I know someone said most Allison’s are paired with 350-375 hp motor but so will any e7 motor from different years fit as long as the hp is same
  19. I’d be afraid to delete anything here in Va? The dot here is a mf’er
  20. I’m in the heavynhighway business so I do have a bit of mechanical knowledge. I have a Cummins truck but this is still outside my realm. I have a good company here that would do the work. Found a motor with 128k miles for 9k. I have clean and clear title in my name
  21. I’m in VA Fairfax county
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