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Everything posted by Icehole

  1. Holy smokes! My R688 has maybe 2-3" and I was concerned that was bad and needed new bushes and all that stuff.
  2. Thanks, was trying to figure a few things. I know the tank isn't that big compared to most trucks I've run. I can get the low air buzzer going just moving it around the yard and having to jocky around stuff going forward/reverse/brakes. Considering putting an air dryer, the wet tank had oil, and it's made it's way through the whole system over the years. In the dash it's a lovely blend of misted oil from the air switch exhausts and caked on dust.
  3. Hope not, already ordered the kit. Seperate the gaskets were $55, so paid ~$170 for the studs and nuts.
  4. Good deal. Hoping I caught it early enough that the head or manifold isn't eroded. Well... and that I don't have to drill out every stud. I gave them some Kroll a couple weeks ago over a few days.
  5. I can't think of many times I've actually needed heated mirrors that a splash of methanol (windshield wash) didn't cure.
  6. Working on putting a 1990 RD688 dump truck back on the road. Has the 400 E7, 12 speed, camelback, top loader rears (maybe all do?? I've seen some with Eaton diffs and 5-18 speeds) Has an exhaust leak between head and manifold at for sure the back cylinder, possibly the 2nd. Was really noticeable starting it one morning with the hood open, as it'll smoke for a few seconds. Are the gaskets and studs the same for all E7s? I can order a kit for around $225. I think they are 12mm studs, which makes me wonder, metric was quite rare until late 90s into 2000s. None of the kits specify a year range or anything denoting there's different kits off a CPL, serial, etc so makes me think they're all the same.
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