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Everything posted by Mack_plow_truck

  1. I like the truck Frieghtrain. that would get the testosterone threw the blood
  2. one step forward two steps back... I have plans to clean er up and plow snow here in NH. I am in an osh kosh 4wd. The old sayin goes when I have the time I dont have the Money... when I have the money I dont have the time...
  3. Like new steel nose grill and radiator for sale. no leaks, radiator is like new good shutter stat. green. very little if any rust!
  4. Hello all. I purchased a mack rm688sx 4x4 with the intent of restoring and plowing with it. I still havent do much with it. It is powered by a 300 engine with watercool intercooler and a five speed maxidyne transmission. two speed transfercase. cool truck. I may be interested in selling. information is also appeciated.
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