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dependable dirt

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    1996 mack ch600 e7 454

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  1. Yeah. I am able to use the heavy duty for some stuff but I still want to have the vmac 1 card
  2. Yeah I got a pro link from eBay has 4 cards one is heavy duty standard , it does read codes and stuff but from my understanding you can do more with the vmac 1 card
  3. If anyone has one I would love to get my hand on one, thank you in advance
  4. Does anybody have any ideas on whether that used v-mac module would work or do I have to take it down to the dealership to get it to work I wonder if it's just plug and play or if I put it in there and it wouldn't have the right information
  5. This is my third new sensor I put in and they show at 160 new out of the box so I don't I'm not sure ... I need to check the distance like you said ,that's something that I have planned to do..
  6. Also I should add that the tachometer does not work either but it did work in the 99 ch when I move the dash over
  7. So I installed new speedometer and still have code can't dive it to see if the speedo is working but definitely still have the code. The speed sensors I have are only at 160 ohms book says 200 to 300.. but I still can't figure it out. If you guys have any other ideas. I can get a vmac module from a 95 rd but I am unsure if it is compatible, I think I will have to take it to the dealer to change it but not quite sure how all that works just yet
  8. Thank you so much I will definitely check that out try to get it all figured out
  9. So I have an update on my situation with this truck I was able to take the dash cluster out of my truck and put it into a 99 that has the same dash and as soon as I turn the key on the light came on code was on and so I truly believe now that it is in the speedo head I have ordered a new speedo for this for the this application , and I will see when it comes in if that fixes the problem I can't thank you guys enough, we'll see what happens. I will post on what the outcome is
  10. These are the modules I have. One is a Bosch module and the other mack , I thought fic module and vmac 1 module
  11. 17-p-.08 is the white wire from sensor t speedo and it has continuity up to the speedometer.. so I believe my problem is from the speedometer over to the fic or ecm unit but I don't know if that number stays the same going over or not so any help here would be great
  12. So there is 4 white wires that I see going into the back of the speedometer 17-m-08, 17-n-08, 17-g-08, 17-p-08 But that is as far as I have gotten so far . There is a ground post behind the tach with two large grounds and the speed sensor ground.. this is what I cleaned up, I thought that was going to fix it. But sadly not. So I now need to track the white wires and figure that out, is it possible that my problem may be in the the dash cluster panel. Or even the speedo itself , I am unsure if the speedo can be replaced on its own or does the whole cluster get replaced . Just typing thoughts out.
  13. I will be able to look at it later, and do the comparison, I did ohm the sensor, the new one I have shows no ohms, the old sensor shows 185 ohms.. I think I read it is supposed to be between 200 and 300 but I am not certain, so I am wondering if both sensors I have are garbage..
  14. So I just did some checking and found that the ground was loose on the speedometer cable going in underneath the dash not loose but corroded a little bit fixed that still did not fix the problem. So now I'm wondering if the white wire that goes to the speed sensor is supposed to have 12 volts if it is can I hook a power probe up and give it 12 volts and see if it goes away or will that hurt the fic module. I originally checked the plug at the speed sensor going to the fic module and I did not have ground but now it looks like I do not have power if it takes power I'm unsure how this sensor works
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