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About earnies2

  • Birthday 04/14/1958


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    Boston, MA

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  1. I am leaning toward something like that there are several 2011-2013 Mack's in that price range and i like the red...
  2. relax someone would be really low to do that....Its still a really nice truck...you should contact the dealer and start the process or maybe someone on this site can go and put some eyes and hands on the truck and report back to you about the condition of it.....remember to do oil samples and a dyno....good luck and keep us informed
  3. As far as fuel economy, air resistance uses up about half the fuel needed to get a big truck down the road ​that's interesting i always thought it was the square box hood non aerodynamic design that lost all the fuel mileage that is one of the reasons i am looking to buy a aero style truck
  4. I'm saying my 08-09's are doing as good or better then the 13's. That's good news i was looking at 2011-2012 models i did see a 2008 that i liked but it had a rebuilt title that's why it looked so good it just came out of the body shop.....thanks for that info
  5. (For flat bedding, unless you're hauling high loads, might want to go with a low rise sleeper and get better MPG- No point in pushing a bunch of wind around for an upper bunk you'll never use) thanks for the reply .I rely like the tall sleeper I like to stand up and stretch...I wonder what is the difference in fuel I have been told to buy a truck that uses DEF they are more reliable than the 2008-2010 trucks what did you think about the truck in the link??
  6. I need some advice...I am about to buy a used truck to pull a flatbed..that being said There is a lot of owner operators that tell me to stay away from all the emissions trucks and look for a good 2000 truck...I don't want to spend my time fixing a million mile beater I would rather be driving making revenue than wrenching loosing revenue...I have been looking at tall sleeper Mack's with MP8's I would like a 13 speed trany I have found them in the $50k range I plan on puting 1/2 down and financing the rest financing is all set at 2% I am also planning on buying a new trailer the same way....I think that would be better than buying a 2000-2003 truck at $25k and if the motor goes south and i need a rebuild at $20k i would be upside down on an older truck My question is are the newer Macks with a MP8 a safe truck to buy...and does the newer ones have the injector cup and bull gear problems like the older ones sorry for the long post http://www.truckpaper.com/email/view-page/4028437
  7. sorry for not replying..my life as i knew it has changed...rite after this post my mom had a bad stroke and passed...now i am in the processes of probating her will and moving..so all my plans are on temporary hold...hoping to purchase a truck in the fall if not i might wait until the spring , i will also have more money to spend and their is the possibility of getting a 2011 or 2012 pinnacle with a mp8..I still look on the web from time to time and have seen some nice trucks and will be doing my research on the 11&12 models and the MP8 thanks for your reply's
  8. Thanks for the replys i will call and se if this is one out of his fleet...
  9. Hello i am thinking on buying a truck to pull a flatbed, that being said i am looking to buy a truck that will get me good service, good fuel mileage, and look clean and presentable going down the road....I found this Mack and was wondering if it is a good deal/truck. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=5721935 any advise is welcome...thanks
  10. euclid makes the studs you need some times you dont need them Thanks I found 4 pages of double thread studs now i will call mack and get the stock stud number and try to find one longer for the aluminum wheel.......Its amazing that both mack dealers i do biz with coulnt do that....thanks I'llkeep you updated Here is a pix of a 27 AB I restored
  11. I have a 1996 MR 6 wheel ramp with Rockwell disc brakes.....I want to run steel wheels inside and aluminum out side I am trying to find longer inner studs to go further into the longer inner nuts....Mack parts says thay dont excist i cannot belive you coulnt get this truck with aluminum buds from the factory........I personly think it is just the parts guys dont want to do the resherch to find a longer stud any help would be apperaciated thanks
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