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  1. Hello all, As the title states, I am having an issue with a truck in my shop. It is intermittent, and happens when the brakes are applied during shifts and if you sit in the cab and rapidly apply the brakes. After a few seconds, it will slowly release and operate as normal. I am stumped here. Should I start with the hill assist valve? I have no codes for brake issues and no lights/messages pop up.
  2. So there isn't an inducement reset procedure anymore? I have done the dosing tests and regens but with no luck making the code inactive. New def pump, def filter, cleaned dpf, new doser, new egr, 7th injector cleaned, egr crossover cleaned, turbo sweep passed, vgt passed.. I have the horrible 4094 fmi 1 code active and am trying my ass off to find/fix the issue.
  3. Well, went to connect to the truck and now PTT won't connect to the truck after updating to 2.8.260. Uninstalling PTT and gonna try to reinstall. Other scanners connect, just not PTT.
  4. I'm by the truck now. I will take a screenshot as well.
  5. This is the actual 2.8.260 licensed copy, purchased thru PTT. When I scroll to the bottom, all I see is exh. temp vs time..
  6. It is the round 9-pin. I go to the Test section/Intake/SCR System test in PTT but all I see are dosing tests, activation and such. I don't see anything that says inducement nor anything about exiting the inducement. I removed the doser and did the 2 second and 120 second tests and they passed but nothing about inducement.
  7. Hello all, I have a 2013 Mack CXU 613 with US10 emissions. I have read that there is an Inducement exit/reset but in my PTT I cannot find it nor do I see it in any of the sub-categories in the Test/Calibrate sections. Driving me bonkers here. Any info is much appreciated.
  8. Was the issue ever resolved? What ended up being the culprit?
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