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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. Thanks for that.I read on here that was the case.I found it strange because Id never heard of it before.... Paul
  2. Joey I was talking to Nathen earlier and told him I read on BMT somewhere the power steering on these use engine oil not hyd fluid.Can you confirm is this correct?? Paul
  3. Say that again Bob...no computer...class.Its why I love our Cruiseliner so much!!! Only thing id miss with no computer is BMT and the chat with you guys.... Paul
  4. Fantastic pictures..Love that Cruiseliner but then I would wouldnt I?..Its the Cruiseliner that got me into this world🤣
  5. Yeah mine has the produce company decal on it but its green and white....same truck though.I must dig it out.. Paul
  6. Id have to check but I think its just AMT on the box.Maybe Bob will post a pic... Paul
  7. I dont know if I could part with that bike...its a beaut. Paul
  8. I have a 1/25 AMT Ford box truck to build.Its green and white on the box.Just wondering if it the same type of truck.. Paul
  9. Only down 3k in 9 years not bad Jojo.I hate selling anything.We sold our 2 Hi lux pick ups and a Toyota Alteeza sports car to part fund the Mack.Talk about tyre kickers....guys offering less that half the asking price.I mean there always a bit of wriggle room on the price but less than half??? The guy who bought the Alteeza want his money back after 10 months because he cant get it through the yearly safety inspection.It passed 2 months before we sold it.Its clear he drove the bejasus out of it now hes had his fun he wants his money back!!!!He can F£€k right off..... Paul
  10. Whats the LN box truck like Bob??? Paul
  11. Great to hear the progress your makeing with the truck and the bridge after the horror story you have been through.Upwards and onwards is the only way to go.Good luck..... Paul
  12. Super story of the Jackbilt...we will never see the likes of it again.Just regular guys getting it done.Of course the PC gang wouldnt allow it now.Oh the perfect time to have lived... Paul
  13. That Mack turned out fantastic.Best of luck with it... Paul
  14. Real nice Mack.Yeah love the paint and stripes.. Paul
  15. Wlecome to BMT.Fine choice of trucks for a project.Let us know what you get when you get one.Great gang on here and they have all the answers... Paul
  16. Yes the crane company has 24.5s on hub pilot rims.I'll keep looking.Guess Ireland is too small a market to stock odd tyres.Yip you do have to get good at sniffing out the unobtainable!!!.I understand the loss of speed and load carrying ability but this is a pure hobby truck,milage will be small.Thanks again. Paul
  17. Many thanks for that Geoff I know I may have misunderstood you with reguard to the tyre sizes.It seems I will have to go with hub pilot hubs and wheels as 24in tube type tyres are an absolute no no over here.It seems no one will import a small batch and no one is willing to work with split rims.Again many thanks for your help on this issue... Paul
  18. Quick question are tubeless rims available to replace 24in split rim Dayton spokes? Geoff Weeks and others already know the trouble Im having getting tube type tyres and I think the tubeless route is the only option as changing to hub pilot wheels is just too expensive. Paul
  19. Real cool old school truck.I like it... Paul
  20. Dont beat yourself over it Joey.We have a saying over here.."Use it or Lose it" Simply means if you aint done something in a few years you may not remember all the details.No shame in that..... Paul
  21. That you Bob? Tough guy😅Fantastic F Model.... Paul
  22. Greatful Dead...now theres a name from my mad single days...I forget what I was wearing the night I met my wife for the first time but she always refers to the outfit as my Strobe Robe.....anyway theres a Toyota minibus going around our city at the moment thats a mini version of that bus.God knows whats going on in it... Paul
  23. Thought the Rubber Duck was always a Tanker Yanker??? Yeah good luck with the new job.Yanked a fair few tanks in my time.One job I was in we hauled tanks all the time.From Milk,Whey,Fats for feed(Mad Cow Disease finnished that!!!!,) to palm acid oil for sweets then Petrol Diesel and Jet A1 fuel.Always enjoyed tanker work hope you do too.KW looks sweet... Paul
  24. Welcome to BMT.Id say your best way to find information is to contact the Mack Historical Society.It'll take a few weeks for them to get back to you but they have most if not all Macks on file.Iv never seen a Mack bus so i'l say its verry cool...More pictures please. Paul
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