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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. Wow those Cruiseliners are something else.Is that you on the video talking about the Cruiseliner?.The E9 Cruiseliner interior is exactly the same as our Cruiseliner except ours is blue.they really are some trucks.... Paul
  2. Yes I do notice that the exhaust is clean after the turbo spools up and the engine produces very little smoke if i ease the the power on instead of just flooring it. Paul
  3. Is cylinder wash a problem without this working? Iv no experence with Mack engines and im getting advice from two sides...one says I dont need it and one says ill do damage to the engine because of cylinder wash from overfueling.....thanks for your input by the way... Paul
  4. When we were looking for a cabover we almost bought an Astro but passed because we really wanted a Cruiseliner.the Astro is a hell of a truck too.they look really well. Paul
  5. Wish ya got a picture too!!! I got a message yesterday of a Cruiseliner for sale in New York state.its rough but running and driveing.6000 dollars asking price.... Paul
  6. Yes Paul that would be great if you could.just let me know price and shipping and ill get it to you... Paul
  7. So far it isnt...we cant find one anywhere.we are interested in trying fjh's idea see how that goes.... Paul
  8. Thats interesting.if we put a bolt in to restrict the rack movement how will it affect the trucks performance?..and cold starting?thanks for the hint. Paul
  9. The air ride cab on your Cruiseliners sounds like a nice addition to have.was that a factory option? Ours has coil sprung cab but its not bad to ride in.we have P.S and a/c and western interior.i have wanted a Cruiseliner since i was 14 now 46 years later i got my dream.she will be well looked after.... Paul
  10. That looks a very interesting project.There were very few Macks with gas engines over here in Ireland so I know very little about them.The lads on this site will I'm sure know more...good luck with it and do keep us up to date on how the project is going.I for one would be very interested. Paul
  11. Interesting pic Paul.The Puff Limiter on our EM6 is leaking air from a small hole on the cylinder thats screwed into the injector pump.see photo.We're told this cylinder cant be overhauled.We blocked off the air line from the valve on the inlet manifold to stop the leak.... Paul
  12. That 83 Cruiseliner is a find ok..E9 low miles.I'll look the video up later.Our Cruiseliner is somthing the same.EM 300 motor 6 speed Maxitoqure box Camelback rear.It was built in Allentown shipped to Kuwait for a construction project which never happened so it sat in its wooden shipping box for 6 years.it was then shipped to the Uk where it worked for 3 years and the next 3 owners showed it but never worked it.we bought it after it sat in a shed for 14 years.Mileage? 153,000..... Paul
  13. I will have to look that up.thanks for the tip.Are your two Cruiseliners the only ones in the video?Have you still got them? Paul
  14. Some coolnold american iron there Bob....and thst weather looks bearable certinaly better thsn cold wet Ireland.... Paul
  15. Have to get a look at that...me being a Cruiseliner fanatic.... Paul
  16. I dont know but i'd buy it anyway...your bound to get some numbers off the chassis or engine/gearbox that the guys could trace.once in a lifetime chance.im sure someone who knows/has an AC could tell you where to look.best of luck with it. Paul
  17. The puff limiter is disabled on our Cruiseliner because its leaking air badly down at the injector pump.We are looking for one but no luck finding one yet.Can they be repaired? Or is it just a throw away part? Paul
  18. Poor roo...no match for a roo bar....or a truck... Paul
  19. Welcome to BMT James.love to see pics of your truck.Your dad would be delighted you have taken on were he left off.You do know that restoring Mack trucks is a disease which there is no cure for...anyway the guys on here are fantastic.the stuff they know is priceless and always willing to help.good luck with your Mack. Paul
  20. Im not into politics at all but congrats to you if this is the President you hoped for.I hope he rebuilds your country the way you'd like it.Ireland is f#€ked...high interest rates familys with two good incomes still cant buy a place to live in.Diesel at around 9 dollars a gallon.Im just happy im not starting out in life now..... Paul
  21. Welcome to BMT. If you are like me,in need of information about your Mack then your in the right place.The guys on here really know their stuff and helped us massively with our restoration.nothing was too much trouble for them.Good luck with your truck.there really is nothing like owning a Big Mack Truck.more pictures please. Paul
  22. Love the sleeper pod.real old school american cool... Paul
  23. Great old film there.wish we still had some of the trucks in it.they'd be great to see....and hear.the opinions expressed in it are all still true today.... Paul
  24. I know the story only too well Bob...part of the deal to get our Cruiseliner is too upgrade our bathroom.Herself drives a hard bargin so i have spent the last week up to my ears in tiles pipes fittings and new bath, shower,toilet and handbasin/cabnets...Dam i hate DIY but i will do it for the Mack.... Paul
  25. Replacements id say.if you have 30/30 on one side and 40/40 on the other side of the same axle you will have a brake imbalance.it would never pass a safety inspection here in Ireland.... Paul
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