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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. It never does go as quick as you hope...these old trucks are full of 5 minute jobs that take 5 hours🤣...still stick with it because the old iron is worth doing... Paul
  2. Yeah Paul,it was a great show.Theres nothing like it in Ireland.We have one American show here mostly cars and pick ups.if we are lucky 5 or 6 trucks turn up but its still great to see them.this show was mind blowing,never seen so many vintage American trucks in one place before... Paul
  3. Go for it Vlad.post all you want.i was trying to load more pictures but cant for some reason.Be great to see pictures from shows a few years back... Paul
  4. Yes it is a tilt nose.im not an expert on B models and didnt kmow it was that rare.its a 1965 model.heres a few close ups. Paul
  5. Hi all,my son and I went to the Mack show in the Netherlands last Sunday.Got cheap flights and hotel so off we went.It was a great show,the trucks were pure class.There were Petes,KWs,Autocar,White 3000s,White Freightliners and Mack B61s,MHs,R models and Cruiseliners.A great day and we met a lot of like minded truck nuts.Hope to make it next year with our Cruiseliner...... Paul
  6. Hi all,well iv just finnished reading the Convoy book and i really really enjoyed it.Many thanks to Dan Bruno and Mike Siegel for taking the time to research and write it.I know what the movie means to my son and I.We bought our Cruiseliner because of the interest in American trucks this film infected us with.When,at 14years of age I saw that Cruiseliner in that movie that was it,I was getting one somehow somewhere sometime.It wasnt untill 2010 we saw one at a show here in Ireland and the dream of owning one,still simmering in my head became a rageing inferno.By this time my son was as big into American trucks as I was however at that time we couldnt afford one.As time went on the house and other bills were paid off but there was no Cruiseliner to be found.We almost bought a GMC Astro but passed on it because it had to be a Cruiseliner.Then out of the blue the Cruiseliner we had seen at the show came up for sale and we got it.I have struggled to put into words the insane love for a Cruiseliner but Dan Bruno put it perfectly on page 244 of the book when he wrote"experiencing the physical manifestation of ones dreams is among the most powerful human experiences"...well said Dan it explains it perfectly...... Paul
  7. Thats a real good looking F model.I would love to have one too..... Paul
  8. Never heard of this film.must have a look for it.if Jerry Reed is in it it should be good.Of course the trucks wiil keep me interested anyway.... Paul
  9. Wow Vlad thats a beautiful truck..... Paul
  10. Hi all,What can i say....sad news from your area theres nothing like a disaster to bring a community together.at the end if the day loved ones are all that really matters.Thoughts and Prayers to all from Ireland. Paul
  11. Hi,Id say there were a number of different sleepers offered as options.maybe some of the guys who have a lot of pictures could post them and you could pick the nearest one to your memory.. Paul
  12. Sorry for your loss.the tattoo should keep him close to you. Paul
  13. To me looks like an "R' model Mack.same as Rubber Ducks in Convoy.some more expert could be a little more exact.hope this helps you. Paul
  14. That would be great...the truckin world needs a Rubber Duck.🤣
  15. Wow that a great record.some miles covered too.yard scrapes go with the job.I'v 6 years to go and then ill be able to sleep late like you...cant wait.you will get used to it.cant wait to see pics of your DM.....enjoy you deserve the rest after all those miles.
  16. Hi all,i am sure you all have heard Kris Kristofferson passed away at the weekend.No more Rubber Duck.rest in peace Kris you gave me a lifetime of entertainment. Paul
  17. Hope you guys are ok.just seeing on the news about your weather...nasty. Paul
  18. Happy retirement and thanks for your help.49 years...how many miles is that gone under your butt? Enjoy......
  19. Hi all,im very interested in this topic as i'd like to know more about the engine in our Cruiseliner.we have the 2 valve EM6-300 engine and the engine number matches the build sheet.the truck was built in 1982.it has the 5/6 speed transmission and the intercooler is mounted in front of the rad.it does 60MPH at 1800 RPM.the engine is painted red and according to the first owner it was red from new.we are wondering how this fits in with whats already been said here. Paul
  20. Make sure she dont find that out...you'd never know what might happen🤣
  21. Pic from yesterdays trip. Paul
  22. Hi all,well the Cruiseliner is back on the road.fitted new turbo and rebuilt the gear linkage and she is running real sweet.took her out for a 40 mile run yesterday and she never missed a beat.we have a few odds and ends to tidy up then she will be ready for paint.many thanks guys. Paul
  23. Great to put a face to the names thats been so much help to us here in Ireland.maybe we'll get to a show or two in states and meet you guys.....and buy you a beer!!!!!! Paul
  24. I'd like to second that.the help iv got since buying our Cruiseliner has been nothing short of amazing.we would not be as far on or know as much about our truck only for the guys you named and a few others shareing their knowledge with us.Big thank you to all... Paul
  25. Interesting....iv no experence of anything like this as twin screw tractors are not common over here.im thinking of my Cruiseliner here...so remove jack shaft pull the half shafts put on diff lock.now iv no diff lock switch and i know you guys will know much better than me but how would oil get to the wheel bearings? Im only asking as i want learn more.thanks Paul
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