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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. I will do that joey.i think it would be worth it too.i want to be sure its in top condition before putting a new turbo on it.its a bit of a set back to the plans for painting it as the cost of the turbo has to come out of the budget for paint.but we will get there just take a bit longer.....thanks for all the help. Paul
  2. Hi all,yes the piece is magnetic,its cast iron as far as we can tell.i wonder if its off the exhaust turbine housing itself.it appears to have two vains around it which the exhaust travels before being fed onto the turbine.we cant see into it and we dont think the scope will fit in when we get it.i wiil see if i can block the oil feed and run the motor.see what it sounds like... thanks guys. Paul
  3. Hi all,so we stripped the manifold off and can find nothing broken chiped or missing in the exhaust ports valves move smoothly when turning engine by hand.also cant see anything wrong with the manifold.we couldnt get the bore scope today but will have it tomorrow.we used a mirrow and light today and so far nothing.the scope will tell the full story.off to work now ohbthe joys..... Paul
  4. Thanks guys for the suggestions.just home from work so will be checking it out in the morning.my son hopes to borrow a scope from work to see if we can see anything.....we will let you know if we come up with anything. Paul
  5. Heres a few more pics of the object.its 16mm one side 11mm at the other and about 3mm thick.thanks for looking. Paul
  6. So far its a cracking read pics are great too paul youll enjoy it no end Paul
  7. Thanks joey i will check all that out.yeah it was 1.30am when i put up the last post.its now 9am here in ireland.i cant thank you enough for the support.having never worked on Macks before its great to be able to talk to those who have.every make of motor has their own quirks that are learned with experence... Paul
  8. Hope your right joey.the guy said it was covered in soot so has been in there for a bit.not sure on the diameter on the inside.really hope the engine is ok🙏ill try get more pictures.thanks. Paul
  9. Iv been driving trains for 22 years now.the locomotives we have are all GMs.12V 645 AND 12V710. Diesel electrics.weigh 130 tons.i like the job but would rather be trucking.trouble is the railway pays a hell of a lot more than trucking and thanks to the train driving i could afford to buy the Cruiseliner.now im getting the best of both worlds. Paul
  10. Hi all,the turbo guy came back to me with really bad news...the turbo is toast.he found a foreign object stuck in the exhaust turbine which came from inside the engine.its cast iron and shattered the turbine wheel.it seems to be to big to have passed through an exhaust valve so we are hopeing its from the exhaust manifold.we are going to strip it on saturday and do a cylinder leak test...wish us luck.anyone see anything like this before? Paul
  11. Since i seen the movie in 1978 iv always thought it was the best movie ever made.loved Pig Pens Cruiseliner most of all and thats why 46 years later im here on this site with a Cruiseliner of my own.A bit like you iv been involved with engines transmissions trucks earthmovers mineing equipment farming equipment and now i work with trains....if it has a diesel engine and/or wheels im there wanting to know all about it...all because of that movie.....46 years ago Paul
  12. Someone more experenced with Macks might know.iv only started driving a Mack a few weeks ago...no aux box in mine. Paul
  13. Thats the way i have been driving the Cruiseliner and it seemed ok.great to get the opinion of a more experenced Mack driver.it is the first Mack uv ever driven...... Paul
  14. Just want to know if driving with no trailer would you just use 2nd 3rd 4th 5th all in direct? Paul
  15. Thats a great clue as our Cruiseliner had a great sounding whistle to her.many thanks Paul
  16. Holy moly thats a beautiful truck.love the paint.its perfect the way it is for me anyway... Paul
  17. Many thanks for that.it has a Bosch pump.ill tell our man that.it has a Mack i d plate on the turbo but we are unable to read it as it has decayed to the point that Mack is all that can be read. Paul
  18. Hi all,we were out in our Cruiseliner again and she started pouring out black smoke and went down on power.we stopped to investagate and discovered the V clamp on the exhaust side of the turbo had come off and jambed the turbine wheel solid.the bolt in the the V clamp had broken.we removed the turbo and took it to our loical turbo rebuilder who told us he can rebuild it but he needs to know if parts can be got and who made the turbos for Mack at this time.(1982)its the EM6 300 engine.he said in all his time he has never worked on a Mack turbo.any help on identifying the turbo would be a big help to us.. Paul
  19. Love it.great job.ya cant beat a MACK Paul
  20. Wow thats some story and a beautiful truck.good luck with it and keep us up to date with your progress. Paul
  21. Wow theyre something....look great.
  22. Dont know about Mack but some trucks over here in Europe have torque to yeild bolts,also know as angle torque bolts.these bolts are single use.once torqued to yeild.the bolts cannot be used twice as they will not stay tight.something to look at.hope it helps. Paul
  23. Thanks for that.we will keep looking.im enjoying this project.just trying to get the old gal right....
  24. It is the Cruiseliner.when cab is tilted the gearlever lifts with the cab and the ball stays on the shift tower.when lowering the cab you have to check the ball lines up to the socket in the bottom of the gearlever.....we have found the brass bushs that the rods pass through on line.....but the rest may havevto be made up. Paul
  25. Yeah my son is talking to an enginering works he deals with through his job and they said they should be able to machine the parts for us....hopefully Paul
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