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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. Great information.thanks for that.i think im going to rebuild the shift set up.i think it would be worth doing. Paul
  2. Thanks for that information.do you happen to know if the parts can still be got? If they can where would be a good place to try? We have serched the net but found nothing yet.thanks Paul
  3. Sorry i meant to say the link from the tower has 1 UJ at each end.1 at the tower and 1 at the tranny. Paul
  4. Hi all,the shift tower that is leaking oil is under the cab floor.see picture.inside it the two rods have gears which move with the shift lever.the oil is leaking from the ends of the rods.i filled it with gear oil but it was empty in a few days.i wonder if the gears in it are worn but dont know what the amount of play should be.the link from it to the tranny has only 1 UJ which doesnt seem to have any play in it.many thanks for your help lads this is a great site. Paul
  5. Thanks for the tips lads.the shift on our Cruiseliner is sloppy as in i cant get 1st gear at all 2nd can only be got when stopped 3rd and 4th are no problem and 5th can be got sometimes.the range changer goes smooth enough..filled shift tower with oil but it ran out passed the rods pretty quick.think i need to rebuild it.... Paul
  6. Hi all,well the book has arrived and already its provided us with information we'd been looking for...the paint codes for Pig Pens Cruiseliner.some great pictures in it too.the text looks good and the few parts iv read are very informative.if you have'nt got one and love the film and Mack trucks well whats ya waiting for? Go out and get it... Paul
  7. Yeah the gear lever goes through the floor between the seat and doghouse.i know maxitoqure gearbox takes a bit of getting used to but this shifter is very sloppy.it was the only thing that kinda spoiled the drive a little otherwise it was fantastic to be driving a cruiseliner at last Paul
  8. Hi all,well we took our Cruiseliner out for a drive today after getting insurance organised.it was really enjoyable to be out and about in it at last.the drive did show up a few niggles though.the gear change is really poor,its like stirring a bucket of bolts with a straw.me thinks the famous shift tower needs a rebuild but there is loads of power in the old girl and shes fairly comfortable.steering was good and the brakes were very good too.all in all we are really happy with it.anybody know if the parts are availible to sort out the shift tower or is it mend and make do with what we have.any ideas would be great.thanks Paul
  9. Hi all,we are having a very hard time finding a fuel fillter for our Cruiseliner.the one thats on the truck has no markings at all.i understand it may be a Fleetguard FF 171 or FF 172 but they are not availible over here.can anyone confirm the actual filter number or a cross reference to a filter that fits.its the EM6 305hp engine.thanks Paul
  10. That looks really good.cant wait to see finnished product.....
  11. Hi all,i had meant to thank all of you for your suggestions about engine and frame numbers locations.we found the frame number behind the fuel filter at the rear spring hanger of the front axle.the engine number was found on both the acc.drive housing and rear of the block.both numbers covered in paint so heavy they couldnt be seen.many thanks to all. Paul
  12. I know the lack of time only too well...my job runs 24/7 and you have to hide to avoid working overtime...but do something no mattet how small everyday and then one day you'll look at it and say hellbits done Paul
  13. Hi,i have the same problem with my E6 engine in my Cruiseliner.the Bimbo valve on the the fuel pump was leaking air so badly when the parking brake was released the air pressure would drop below 70psi and the brakes would not release fully.i put a penny washer into the pipe to stop the air from leaking.maybe thats why the your pipe was kinked....if anyone know where to get the Bimbo valve id like to know... Paul
  14. Hi,looking forward to reading your book.the movie had such an impact on my life i collect anything about it.my son and I have just bought a Mack Cruiseliner and are restoring it to as near to Pig Pen's as we can.I had the pleasure of meeting Kris Kristofferson in Ireland back in 1996 and found him to be a true legend. Paul Heres a picture of Kris and me
  15. It would be great if he came on here to chat to us about the book.im looking forward to reading it.the film has been such a big part of our lives...... Paul
  16. Yeah thats the one.looks like it might be a good read about my favourite film that made me buy a Mack Cruiseliner.🤣
  17. Hi all,anybody see or read the new book on the making of the film Convoy? I have a copy ordered and I was wondering did anyone on here read it and have any comments on it. Paul
  18. Thanks.i'll remove both plugs and check them and then check the oil level through the square head plug.thanks for the tips. Paul
  19. Hi,thanks for your answers h67st,mine is a 107 series and that diagram you sent is spot on.Paul if you could look them up tomorrow that would be great...im a Mack rookie so doubke checking everything. Thanks guys.Paul.
  20. Hi all.just a few questions... 1)front axle wheel seals and oiler caps...Mack part numbers are 32 QF 245 oil seal and 120 MF 268 oiler cap.19QF324 oiler cap gasket Can anyone tell me the Stemco part numbers for those parts. 2)is this the gearbox oil check/filler bung on the Maxitoqure box and is the gearbox and range changer lubed by the same oil as there is a square head bung on it too.just being careful as i had a disaster a few years ago with a 4X4 where what i thought was a filler bung turned out to be part of the gear selector .. result...box out for a rebuild🥶 .. PAUL
  21. Well done you have turned out a beautiful restoration of an icionic Bulldog.you should be very proud of it and the fact you saved one from the scrapyard. Paul
  22. Its eye catching ok.paint job is cool.id say its still with us ok because a new frame and axels and shes back on the road....nice one.
  23. Thats a nice one Vlad.only know one in russia...we have something in common...same cab as ours what engine/gearbox is in it? Did you import it to russia yourself? Paul
  24. Thats a cool one in the picture Paul.Didnt know they had 4 headlights which looks great.ours has 4 headlights but 2 are sunk into the bumper.Were the NZ and Aussi onesshiped out in kits and assembled out there? Paul
  25. Hi all,My son and i have just bought a 1982 Cruiseliner and we got to thinking just how many are left? We believe ours is the only one here in Ireland and so far we only know of one in the UK and three on mainland Europe.We were wondering if there are more over here and how many are known to exist in the US and Australia or anywhere else in the World.We read somewhere that 15336 were made between 1975 and 1983.anyone have an idea??? Paul. Heres a picture of our Cruiseliner.
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