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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. Nathan.The top row of the fuse box is only live when ign key is on. Check connections from key switch to fuse box. Paul
  2. Looks great and so does yout R model.best of luck with it... Paul
  3. Go on do tell.... Paul
  4. Yeah we packed ours with grease and its working well now Paul
  5. Know that feeling...we took ours out for first run and blew the turbo.I cant thank Joey Mack enough for the advice help and encourgement he and others gave us to get us over that problem..... Paul
  6. Welcome to BMT Nathan.Lads this Cruiseliner is a sister of our Cruiseliner.My son Daniel has been in touch with Nathan a lot over the last few months.We are hopping to reunite the two Cruiseliners in the not too distant future. Nathan the lads here have helped us so much.We would not be as far on with our Cruisliner only for them.Good luck with our sister truck. Paul
  7. Me too,id say they would be great to see Paul
  8. Welcome aboard Toby.Real nice project you have there.There are a few B series Mack experts on here,im sure you will get all the help you need.One thing everybody likes is loads of pictures.Good luck with the "B"... Paul
  9. Im in the Republic of Ireland.Not sure how to answer the soup question...Over here soup is slang for beer......... Paul
  10. Yeah,we saw it.She's beautiful,looks really great.Still intend to paint ours the same.Iv waited 46 years to drive Pig Pens truck...aint stopping now!!!! Any one idea where that truck is? Paul
  11. Welcome to BMT.Thats is a big project you have there but with a bit of time it'll make a great truck.Good luck with it. Paul
  12. Yes sir somebody got the deal of a lifetime. I couldnt find a Cruiseliner for years then within 9 months 2 come up for sale...... Paul
  13. Yeah we looked at doing it sometime but I could buy another Cruiseliner for less than it'd cost to go there.....still might do it when I retire in 5 years time..... Paul
  14. Happy Australia day Paul.Cold beer a BBQ and Fireworks (banned or not)are the order of the day im sure...Iv some family out there.The wifes brother and his wife are in Darwin,a nephew in Melbourne,2 nephews and two nieces in Sidney and a nephew in Perth...should really visit someday. Paul
  15. Sounds fun...I did have the welder experience.One cold wet winters night I was hauling a load of fresh fish which just had to be delivered fast.The trailer was an older refer with single leaf springs and a balance beam between the two axles.The tower on which the balance beam sat cracked so I decided to make for the yard and weld the crack.While doing the welding job It started to rain really really heavy.Dont know what I done but I lit up like the same Christmas tree!!! You would never get todays drivers to do even 10% of what was done back then.With welding done I headed on up the road for another 4 hours to unload the fish...Happy days indeed. Paul
  16. Snow Plowing is something Id like to have a go at.Never done it except to clear a yard with a Cat 998 loading shovel..... Paul
  17. Well done to The Heinz,you seem very interested in your job.Iv done a few restorations on vintage Toyotas in the past and only for a young guy like you in the parts dept of our local Toyota dealer they would never have been finnished.It is truly great to see young people like you coming along.Keep up the great work. Paul
  18. Bob,you could always pretend to go the gym but go the model store instead!!! Your lucky,the nearest model store to me is in Dublin city centre about 32 miles away but with traffic that 32 miles could take 2 hours each way depending on the time of day.Taking the train is the best way as it takes 1 hour and the model shop is right beside the train station.... Paul
  19. Right,i'll try clear up a few things for you 1) yes the extra 14,000 would allow it to be used for actual work but finding insurance for it to do actual work would be near impossible at reasonable cost 2) The island of Ireland has 32 counties.26 counties make up the Republic of Ireland and the remaining 6 make up Northern Ireland. 3) Great Britian is made up of 4 countrys Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland and England.Each has their own goverment but all are controlled from London....Same as each state in the US has its own goverment but is controlled from Washington DC. 4) The United Kingdom is made up of all countrys which have the King of England as their head of state. 5) The Republic of Ireland uses the Euro and Northern Ireland uses the British Pound as their currencys 6) I live in the Republic of Ireland which is part of the island of Ireland.I live close to the border with Northern Ireland No your not a dumb American.Asking questions is never dumb. Hope that answers some of your questions and feel free to ask more. Im a loyal subject to the king of MACK,the greatest name in trucks!!!! Paul
  20. Our Cruiseliner is my first experence with Camel backs.It does seem very simple with just one grease point.(each side)How often would they need to be greased?Is there any other maintenance that should be done?Its very simlar to the Hino version but on the Hino the spring sits on top of the axles....Japs copy anything thats good🤣 Paul
  21. I would have loved to buy this Cruiseliner but at 4,300 dollars to buy, shipping to Ireland 6,000 and Irish import tax at 4,500 makes it 14,800 dollars.Then another 14,000 to put it right...bit over my budget😪 Paul
  22. Real nice Bob,painting them was always my downfall...aint so good at the painting. Paul
  23. Crazy is one word for them but those Tatra's are tough trucks... Paul
  24. Interesting video on Fiat trucks.Fiat trucks were great performers.I ran a 190/30 4×2 tractor for a while and it gave no trouble with good MPG.Years later I ran an Iveco(Fiat) euro stralis on dump work and found it to be a good truck too.400hp 16 speed box.Despite the name both trucks were reliable powerful and economical.When the Turbostar came out in the 80s it was the truck most drivers wanted.I see in the video Fiat liked the Dayton type wheels which were uncommon over here..... Paul
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