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Everything posted by cruiseliner64

  1. Pure class,your trucks look great...the MH Is the one for me.yeah love the quarters too.... Paul
  2. When i was a kid we lived close to a company who had 25 Bedford TM trucks (GMC Europe) Every morning around 6am we could hear them starting up and leaving the yard.The sound of those 8V71s was my alarm clock for years...No wonder I am a truck nut!!!! Paul
  3. Thats a beautiful truck.best of luck with it.keep us posted as you get things done. Paul
  4. Looks amazing.good luck with it.keep posting pictures!!! Paul
  5. I knew you'd like it.Hell of a book.Yeah Dan done a massive job putting it all together. Paul
  6. I wont do that.your warning is clear.many thanks for your advise... Paul
  7. I'll talk to them again.maybe theres misunderstanding somewhere along the line..... Paul
  8. The guy i was dealing with has over 30 years in the tyre business.I deal with him only beacuse as you say younger guys dont know anything about older tyres and none of them even know what a spoke wheel on a truck is never mind how to fit them!!! Paul
  9. I have to enquire if thats allowed here.... Paul
  10. The tyre depot said it can only get the tubeless tyres....my rims are tube type split rims... Paul
  11. 460 euro each thats about 490 US dollars..... Paul
  12. I'v just spoke to our tyre depot who said the 1200R24 tubeless tyres they can get are made in China(where else?).The brand is" BOTO".I have googled it but so far not much came up. Paul
  13. Yip rannup against the limit after just one like...AI gone nuts🤣 Paul
  14. Im going to check again with the tyre depot tomorrow.Im sure they said they could get 24in tubless.I'll get back to you as soon as I find out more... Paul
  15. Real nice trucks.The R model is a nice low mileage one.Rare to find with such low miles.Our Cruiseliner is very low mileage too.154,000 km about 100,000 miles.It's an EM 6 motor Maxitoqure 6 speed 44 rears on Camelback springs.It was built in Allentown, shipped to Kuwait where it sat still in its wooden crate for 6 years,then shipped to the UK where it worked for 3/4years.It was then owned by 2 different guys who used it for shows only.It then sat in a shed for 14years after the owner passed away.We bought from his son in June this year. Paul
  16. 24in tubeless tyres are available over here in europe but your right no tyre shop would fit them to a tube type rim.the problem we have is 24in tube type tyres are not available here.Over here tyres over 10 years old must be replaced regardless of condition.The tyres on our Cruiseliner are over 10 years old...sadly theyre in good condition.We may have to replace the rims and tyres.Is there a 24.5 rim available that would fit our truck or do we have to replace the hubs as well? Paul
  17. Should have explained this a bit better...the turbos on these engines are gear driven up to 400 RPM then the clutch sets them free to spool up...when revs drop below 400 RPM its back to being gear driven.. Paul
  18. Thats a nice truck.what year is it? What engine/ gearbox? There is two of them over here in Ireland.one is a tractor like yours and the other is a drilling rig.cool truck... Paul
  19. Great pics.We had a small fleet of yard locos like those but were built by the railway company in their own shops.think they had Dortmann engines(German) but they were not a great sucess.They were before my time driving.The tilt and slide trailer is a nice bit of kit.Is that an R model hooked up to it? Yours? Paul
  20. Yes,the turbo clutch cuts the turbos(theres two)out above 400 RPM.Works on oil pressure I'm told... Paul
  21. Thats some line up,mostly special applications I'd say.I take it they all use the same "Bug Eye" cab.Interesting you find RH steer takes getting used to as we are RH steer over here.Our Cruiseliner is LH steer so we have the same problem!!!! Paul
  22. I find this thread very interesting.I dont know much about electric generation but its plainly a very complex subject.Some of you may know already but I'm a locomotive driver in my day job.The locos we have are powered by EMD 12V710 driving an EMD AR 10 generator developing 25000 volts AC at 50Hz.This is then converted to 600 volts DC and fed to 6 traction motors,one on each axle of loco.The diesel engine is flat out at 950 RPM.Tick over is 150 RPM.The power controller has 8 positions each adding 100 RPM to the engine.I dont find the in cab noise too bad but in the engine room its a different story. Paul
  23. Me being in Ireland I wouldnt know but I'd like to say its a hell of a truck.... Paul
  24. Yeah thats what we know as a Bug Eye.Got the nickname because the windscreens look kinda like a bugs eyes.A few made it to the UK.I never seen one in real life.The ones in the UK were lift on/off bin trucks but idid hear of one being a tractor unit.Nice ,i like them.... Paul
  25. On the subject of E trucks,I cannot see them working.the range of most E cars is small enough.So far I'v only seen one E truck.It was a Daf with a diesel powered refer body...the mind boggles!!! Paul
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