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    81 R686st 81 R747st

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  1. Yes the engine I am working on is in an 81 r686. Engine shows 1980 build date. I am going to get with Joey in the am when I get back to the shop. The R700 has a big cam 290....its a project at this point. I pulled the eaton 13sp out of it and put in the R686. The R700 has like 6.14 gears on a 46k walking beam. Those axles are coming out to go under a work over rig with an auto. Gonna find a set of 44k camel back and and heavier 13sp. The Big cam needs some work so it will come back as a 400.
  2. That worked. Let me look at mine in am as off the top of my head they look different. Mine are slick and the insert is on the inside I do believe.
  3. I couldn't open picture. I will check my number in the am
  4. I doesn't leak much air will hold 30-60 lbs over night but it pukes alot of oil. I plan on going thru everything while I have it down. Just got injectors pulled out of the head...will prob have the heads cleaned up and new seals. I found a shop that can cut the rings if needed but are a month out. A week just to clean them up but I figure will take close tp that for everything else. Plan on pulling the pump and having it gone thru.... Debating doing lower end as had some blow by drips....but haven't decided. Joey I may hit you up for a pair. I had to add it to this post as I have reached my max post for the day apparently...lol
  5. I didn't even notice the fire ring grooves if there was any.... but I have been around that on high boosted pickups and trucks. But nothing stuck out on the heads I will have to look at that. I haven't got the injectors out yet....was going to fight that battle in the am. The rockers looked good but had a bad push rod...the bottom ball fell out. I fished it out tho. I plan on pulling the injection pump as I had some leaks and send it and injectors out. It also needs a compressor as it slobbers alot of oil. I did find a good set of used heads if I need them tho. I was going to call about a inframe kit in the am as it could use it. Thanks for all the help and advice
  6. So far they look alright. #2 was getting water in it and communicated with 3 looks like. Thanks for the responses....now to find a machine shop that can get it done in a reasonable amount of time and get my rebuild kit ordered.
  7. No not sure they are bad but have never seen a set that wasn't cracked. I was wanting to get it back together in less than a week...as I have alot of work for it in places my other trucks can't get to. I will know soon enough I type this as I set on the steer tire...should have the heads off in a few more hrs.
  8. Long time lurker and reader. I recently started blowing compression in to the radiator on my 81 dump. Planning on doing an inframe but seems as tho 2v heads are obsolete....based on several calls...Called bruckners and watts....plus some others. I have noticed 4v heads are still avaliable and use the same head gasket. Beyond that I know nothing.... So has anyone one done it? I don't really have the time for the truck to be down for ever...I am looking for a good engine either e6 4v or e7 mech around me as well.
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