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    2005 Mack Granite

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  1. Yes I have, all relays checked out. I even pulled them apart and tested them.
  2. I have a 2005 CV713 and the only way I can get it to shut off is if I pull the ECM fuse or Power relay 2 or 3. The ignition switch metered fine and everything else works as it should. It is not the turbo timer, it will for 30 plus minutes after turning the key off. I’ve tried to find wiring diagrams but I still wouldn’t know where to begin. I’ve also tested the power relays and they’re fine. Any help would be awesome thanks
  3. Perfect I will try that before I replace the injectors this weekend. I had planned to pull them out and check over them but I wasn’t sure on testing them. Thank you for the info I will let you know what I come up with.
  4. Is there a way to test the EUP’s? I have injectors already. The truck doesn’t run bad just not like I think it should, I am going to pull the EUP’s when I do the injectors just to make sure the look good but I’m not sure there’s anyway to manually check them. With new EUP’s I have to program them to the computer correct?
  5. I actually read that whole thread, I learned a ton! I’m gonna start with injectors and go from there, I would like to do the 5” exhaust to keep egts down but those exhaust pieces are over 500$ now!!! I may end up building one for it though
  6. The price difference isn’t much different getting mine rebuilt from k and s or buying new Bosch units. K and s said I’d get more hp out of them if I sent him mine and had him do them.
  7. Thanks will do. Do you recommend new or get these rebuilt?
  8. Yes it’s oil, it’s a tiny buildup but it’s not coming from the threads it’s coming from in between the pencil tube and the fitting itself. I read the whole thread that Mack technician that you were involved in. I’ve contacted k and s on injectors but have also sourced new Bosch, I’m not sure which is the better route. Thanks
  9. Forgot to mention after a long trip it formed a small amount of oil coming from the pencil tube and the fitting going into the head. I don’t know if this matters or not.
  10. Hey guys I’ve been lurking for awhile and doing as much research as I can without asking for a little advice. I have an 05 a1-400 that I just bought and has a slight stumble when you rev it. It clears up at about 1200 rpm and runs fine after that. The truck also only gets about 3.5 mpg. It black smokes a little when you start it and a tiny bit when you rev it but not thick. I’ve read that injectors lose performance around 5000 hours and the truck has about 25000 on it now. Looking back at all the service records it doesn’t appear that the injectors have ever been replaced. Do you guys think it’s worth buying a pop tester and test them or should I just replace them since there’s so many hours on them. Also who do you guys recommend for injectors? Thanks for any info.
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