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    Helena, Mt

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    1993 Mack CL713 dump truck

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  1. have parts guys looking into replacing that solenoid (rack actuator?) on the back of the pump. not sure if its something i can do or i may just have to take it in.
  2. i will double check the return. ive looked at all the lines and dont see any leaking but thats not to say i missed something.
  3. Thank you for looking, appreciate your time.
  4. This is the pic have with me. Is it good enough?
  5. FJH- is this the valve you are talking about? Truck started yesterday and not today. hate to ask stupid questions, I'm not a completely incompetent and can do some repair work. just looking for something that i may be able to do before taking it into a shop. I am not noticing any smoke when it is turning over. I also hit it with a little ether, and it fired up then died and wouldn't start. i did try unplugging and plugging the big round main pluck that goes to the back of the fuel pump. any further thoughts or suggestions?? really appreciate any help. just starting my business and its been one thing after another.
  6. Thank you for your response. I will try that.
  7. Hello, I am a new truck owner; I have a 1993 Mack CL713 dump truck with reliance transfer trailer. The truck seems to run really well just sometimes it won't start. Most of the time when I try to start it, it doesn't even crank twice and fires right up. It died on me the other day while idling but did start back up. I had it running for quite a while yesterday but when I went out this morning it would not start. I tried for an hour or so and finally gave up. I had a mechanic shop here doing some work on it and he said the start/stop solenoid was an issue with the E-7. I have a part number, and it calls it the econovance solenoid. The part is a little pricey so I thought I would get some other advice before I replace it. After many hours of u-tube videos I found the econovance solenoid and tapped on it and the truck fired right up. (the mechanic shop I had it at showed me a different part and said that was it, my confidence level with them is not really high) Not sure if it was the tapping or if it was just ready to fire. I saw some old forums that spoke to this problem and got a little advice from that. Thanks in advance. appreciate any help given.
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