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Everything posted by PaulLowboy

  1. More pictures please?
  2. This truck is a sin. When it was redone years ago it looked like a new truck. What is even worse is that is a true magnum. It has not seen the road in every bit of ten years
  3. i seen a singe axle with an original 318 detroit. anyhow that r 600 withthe V8 needs to be saved.
  4. you need to go th the U S diesel truck nationals in NJ next weekend. I'll bet you sell it there. What a beauty. Does it have A C?
  5. truck would look great with a small sleeper. love the L series cab
  6. real truck and real engine. what a beauty. love those westerns
  7. could be a diamind in the rough. ya never know till you go see it.
  8. could have an 864v8 non turbo
  9. Price and location?
  10. What's up with the superliner next to it?
  11. Too many have taken a boat ride already. this looks to be a good little workhorse or a nice toy
  12. Those 80s girls were so pretty. brings me back to my teen years. oh yeah the truck is nice too
  13. Is that a long nose western behind the green truck? is that for sale and if so what specs
  14. The length is perfrct it just needs an e9 500 v8. then it would be perfrct
  15. I agree with superdog.
  16. Is it for sale? what are the specs? how much?
  17. Not much thought needed. Buy it.
  18. What a beauty
  19. Dam that is one sweet looking 700. Love them wiht the F model grill.What was the price it sold for?
  20. Wish it was closer. Someone needs to rescue it
  21. Yes it was across from the sheetz. Another good one was the Gables in Frystown PA off 78. Small mom and pop kind of place. It is still there but closed. Wish I could buy and reopen
  22. yes it was across from the sheetz. Speed and brisco was another great one. The old Gables in Frystown PA off 78 was another good mom and pop place
  23. I miss the old Shennandoa truckstop in Mount Jackson VA. Exit 273 on 81. True southern hospitality with every fuel up you were given 3 free chicken wings and coffee. It is now a liberty truckstop and a total dive,
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