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Everything posted by PaulLowboy

  1. that is a thing of beauty. I learned to drive in a 72 r 700 with a 325. The westerns are that much prettier. good luck
  2. Best looking truck mack ever built. I am partial to the V8 Magnums myself
  3. I know you have that autocar too. Use that. It would break my heart to see that old motor go. It is a rare truuck and v8s are so sweet
  4. dam she looks good. what drive train is in it
  5. This picture brings me back to my childhood.
  6. I would die to have this truck
  7. I would die to have this truck
  8. This truck is begging to be restored.How long ago was this taken and is it still there?
  9. This truck is begging to be restored.How long ago was this taken and is it still there?
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