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About wingrider

  • Birthday 07/25/1978


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    Maple Lake, Minnesota, USA

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  1. Yes, have a printed picture of the stamp in the frame that I will take along with the tag. One could argue that the tag is illegible, but when you see those numbers on the frame, they match up pretty darn well. I put the door on last night, because we have severe wind here today, and no tarp would have stayed on.
  2. Well, pulled the door off thinking I was going to bring the whole thing in, when I looked and saw that I could unscrew the plate from the door. So I pulled it off, and will just take the plate into the dmv inspection. Funny enough, they sent me the plates for it despite no title.
  3. I knew this was going to give me some trouble…almost looks like it was scratched out. Does anyone know what size number die set they would have used on these tags?
  4. Gotta love this screwed up state. Got a letter today saying that they will not issue a title until an inspection of the VIN tag takes place by one of their inspectors. They have clear pictures of everything, so this is always frustrating. Half tempted to pull the door off, and bring that to them. 😡
  5. Thank you for that explanation! Makes a lot more sense now that it is laid out that way. I do recall looking at semi’s as a kid, and seeing a whole bunch of licensee plates on their rig. Never had anyone I could ask about it. Makes a lot more sense.
  6. I agree, that one is going to be a project. My wife is complaining about my complete B61 that I will be fixing up.
  7. Agree with you! Many folks have told me to turn my rig into an RV, and I wouldn’t have any trouble. Not sure I want to do that. You mention a fuel tax, do truckers pay more for fuel to fill their truck vs me in my 2500 diesel? Not fighting words, just curious of a person who doesn’t drive one.
  8. I do wish MN would be a little lenient in historic plated trucks hauling antique tractors on a trailer, but the law is the law here. She said if I put a trailer on it, it needs different plates. I know we love these trucks, and would drive them to a great extent. But from what I have seen of the drivers today, they wouldn’t even climb in the cab of one of these old girls, much less try to drive 'em. Perhaps we have a local chapter that can shed some light on what I could do here in this state.
  9. I tried telling her that, and although she seemed like she knew what she was doing, she certainly did not know trucks very well.
  10. Funny enough, when I went to try to get the title for the truck, the clerk couldn't find Mack as a brand of vehicle in whatever program she was using. I politely told her that this is an old semi tractor...but she apparently did not believe me from the pictures I had provided, as there was not any other items to reference it's size. She got on the phone to the state to add Mack to this program she was using, and the person on the other end explained that she was looking in the wrong spot, and that this wasn't a 1 ton truck. I could hear the one side conversation, and she said, "it looks like a small version of an old Ford". 😲
  11. Thanks! Being I more or less jumped into this feet first, there are a lot of things I probably should know, but do not. The fella I bought the truck from is a member of the ATHS I think, (he gave me old magazines from them) so perhaps he knows who I could speak with.
  12. Yes, the grey area is always uncertain. I would only be hauling my tractors locally, but do understand that someone with nothing better to do can what they please.
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