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Everything posted by wingrider

  1. Guy I bought the truck from may know where there is a sleeper that would fit with the truck…so we shall see.
  2. Good to know! When the new rear end goes in, there will be air brakes, but still good to know!
  3. Thanks, that is what I kind of what I thought it was, but was a wee lad when I watched my grandpa drive the old fuel trucks. Could be a dumb question, but is the brake on when the lever is in the down position, or the up?
  4. So, on the floor of this rig, there is this lever…I seem to recall seeing the same type of lever in my Grandpa’s fuel trucks, but it has been 40 years since I was in one. Does anyone know what it is for? Parking brake?
  5. I would love to get a Mack poster from you!
  6. I have no idea why it got moved, but it did. I’ll check the other cabs to see if there are holes in those.
  7. Good to know, I accidentally pushed on one and it fell into the box. I am hoping I can take it apart, and fix it. It is to unique to not keep it.
  8. Can anyone tell me what the little green buttons do on this turn signal box?
  9. Not sure how this comes apart, but perhaps it was on the dash at one point. Anyone have any thought as to what the red hose in the dash is meant to be?
  10. If they do need visual documentation, then it has to go somewhere a long ways from my house.
  11. I think a picture will work in the little town the license place is. They are very forgiving vs other license locations the Twin cities offers. At least that is my hope.
  12. I figured I better get a title for this rig before much else is done, so that will be done in the new year. If that is successful, then I can work on getting it running, and work on the drivetrain and bodywork. Finally interior work will be completed. If I can’t get a title for it, then pieces will go for sale as I fix them up, and I can find another truck that hopefully has a title.
  13. Thanks! That makes way more sense now that I see it. I'll have to look and see what the holes look like in the dash on that side.
  14. Does anyone have a picture of how the turn signal switch is typically fastened to the dash?
  15. We will try the pics again… The levers are not attached to anything, and it has been to cold to crawl under it to see if there is a PTO still under there.
  16. It could be, seems to me there are some holes drilled in the dash. I’ll have to look more at it.
  17. This one must have had a tilt bed on it. Has a Pto with levers coming in through the floor. Of course the pics don’t want to show.
  18. Hard to say. It looks like it was mounted that way. Wrote to the Mack museum to see what the serial number could show me.
  19. Will have to look for the number on the frame…
  20. Had to crawl through the passenger door. Anyone want to take a stab at this serial number?
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