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Kevin lamarr williams

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    Saint louis, missouri

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  • My Truck
    2005 Mack sleeper E-7 460
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  1. Is the epu part of the injector ?
  2. The truck is a 2005 Mack sleeper last 8 5N001649. Mack dealer says it needs #1 and #2 EPUS and EGR cleaned. It sputters kinda like water in fuel feeling. I’m not knowledgeable on engine repair but I can follow a manual. I bought the truck 2 years ago for $13,500 . It did fine with light loads in warm weather and flat surfaces but anything above 30,000 pounds was a problem. I’m going to set it up as a service truck/ salvage truck and equipment pulling a 1975 lowboy with a hydraulic dovetail. Also trying to decide if I should put a wet kit on it.this is the truck on the lowboy
  3. I’m having the same problem with my 2005 E-7 460. Mack is talking about 800 labor and $1,000 a piece for the injector. Are there any special tools needed to replace the number 1and number 2 ? I've seen guys here paying $300+- for them. Are the parts different or what?
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