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Everything posted by DGioMack

  1. Thanks, I'll check the wires and check the amperage. I'll keep you posted, I hope I dont need to replace the series parallel switch, I just put this one in...
  2. oops, I forgot to mention, the SP switch sparks and is making a funky noise. That was put in new prior to me messing with the generator. I have not checked the reading, my dash is partly out..(another problem in itself) All I removed was the generator and the voltage regulator.
  3. Looks like the weather is going to be good for this weekends Diesel Nationals at Raceway Park !
  4. Welcome ! That's a great truck !
  5. Welcome !
  6. Welcome !
  7. Try not to laugh, I'm learning...I installed the rebulit generator and a new voltage regulator for my B model. In my infinite wisdom, I did not disconnect the battery cables so when I went to put the voltage regulator on, of course it sparked.. My truck wont start now, and it did prior to removing the generator..Do you think I shorted out the voltage regulator ? Or would that not be enough to short it out? The generator only had the 3 wires, so I dont think that is the issue.. Thanks again...you guys are always very helpful to me.
  8. Barry, if there were a smilie giving kisses, I would put a bunch for you! You obviously put alot of work into this site, and it is greatly appreciated! And it must be a little difficult, since you have to monitor all the topics for related and "un-related" content. You do a great job here and I for one love this site!! Thanks ! Donna
  9. Thank you !!
  10. I just want to confirm and I know there are only 3 wires, but can someone confirm where the wires attach or go to from the generator? Thanks..
  11. oh ok, Thanks !! I think that will help me try to figure out my electrical issues, as far as eliminating what wire does what! Thanks for the help!! Is it imperative that its covered? I would imagine the elements cant be too good for those small wires.
  12. sorry, I'm trying to add the picture... as soon as I figure it out I'll add it.
  13. Anyone able to help me ID these wires on the back of my truck cab. Also, I'm not an expert by any means with the workings of this truck or the electrical system, but it seems to me that this should not be just hanging here the way it is...
  14. That's great ! I just saw Premium @ 3.99 p/g here on Long Island...
  15. right on, brother!
  16. Yeah it is a good time ! I'm hoping the weather holds out for a good day. I'll be sure to take alot of pictures!
  17. Excellent news! I just got my truck home after sitting for 2 years away from me..
  18. Anyone planning on going to Englishtown for the event on the 17th?
  19. Thanks for the contacts guys! I called the folks over in PA first, they were real helpful, gave me a price without even seeing the part of 850 to 1000 then the rest would be dependant upon the condition of the shell. Which happens to be real pitted. The other guy in IN gave me pretty much the same price. I may wait a bit, get the body work done then paint first before rechroming the readiator shell. Then maybe just buy a new one from you, Barry, since your website has it for 850.
  20. That's cool. When I bought my truck, I was given a bunch of old slips of paper I guess it was when the trucks used to travel through the states, it was like destination manifests. Real cool stuff.
  21. Welcome !
  22. Congrats and Welcome !
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